Friday, December 28, 2012

You have hate I half love

Some one who calls hisself a former NTM MK wrote this to me hear it is:

I grew up as an MK with NTM in the Philippines and lived in the Emory dorm. That man deserves to die a horrible and prolonged death. I can't believe you defend NTM, and you really need to check your spelling. It's difficult to understand what you are writing when your spelling and grammar is so terrible. F*** you for defending a cesspool organization. You do realize that to this date, there are over 90 cases of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse that occurred within NTM backed dorms and schools and each was silenced or covered up. I make it a daily mission, on top of doing what I do for the nation as a Soldier, to let everyone around me know how evil NTM is and that it is akin to a cult. In fact, organized religion is a cult. Yes, I have a lot of hate and anger, but it's for the right reasons. 

I just what to say that NTM is not a sensual orgasm pool and how woud I know how many case of cesspool abuse occured in NTM even NTM doesnt' know that and form reading the fonda eagles websight it sounds like they have not been silenced or covered up butt this person is so full of hate that it stinks.

At lest he admits that he has a lot of hate and anger their are a lot of former MKs who are also full of hate and anger butt they wont' admit it and just have laws uets against NTM and post stuff on the web that is full of hate how can they be like that?

NTM is not a organised religion it is not a cult it is a christian orgamism that is being used to reach people for the glory of God and get them safved isnt' that wonderful it is much better than bean a soldier who kills people for the govermint and spends his time every day telling people that NTM is bad what a lousy life that is yes you are full of hate.

I think you can udnerdtand me just fine I know I could understnd you when you said to F*** me I can tell you are not saved by the love you do not have butt I love NTM and there missionarys and I dont' think God is going to forget all the good work that NTM has doen for him.

I have love n my heart for NTM and for the good work they have done and the good missionarys they have and I am willing to forgive Les Emory if he really did anything wr4ong he is not in NTM any more or didnt' you notice that?  What good would it do to put him in pisson now he is old and will die soon enough just kepe pressing on toward the goals.

God bless you in the new years and please keep supporting NTM they need the money.