I miss the god old days when NTM could just preech the gospel
and people dint talk about sex in pubic.
In those days no one talked about presidents getting blow
jobs in the ovarian office and queers got fired not married. People may have knew about some bad things
happening in broading schools but they dint talk about it in pubic it was too
awful and it is a shame to even speak of those things or dint you raed that
WE sued to be able to spank kids in pubic and even in pubic schools
where we recited the pledge of alegunce and even preyed and now parents cunt
spank there kids and kids get shot at school and MKs suet the mission which is
rally a crotch.
In those days the police dint care aobut this crap and no
one would of told them if they did it was considered a private thing not
pubic. Christans used to handle this themselves
and it worked fine NTM kept going and their were no law suets in those days
people did not what to tarnish the good name of God and New Tribe s Mission
those were the good odl days.
TV was decent and their were no rap music and even rock and
roll which we hated at the time was pretty mild compared t the noise they call
music now and the nakedness and shameful stuff they put on TV now I can only
watch a few hours a day at a time cause it makes me so sick. Its almost ass bad ass reading the fanda
eagles block.
In the good old days if a child was raped we could just
pertend that it didt happen and the parents were to embarast to say anything
and the good name of the Lord was perversed.
And it did not happen very often either and even when it did it probably
didnt you cunt' belief everything a kid says to you sometimes they make stuff
I love NTM and I miss the old days when people had enough
scents to keep quiet what has become of so called Christians?