Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What is msot impotent?

Why do all of the whitey MKs keep talking about abuse when there are souls going to hell that do not belive in Jessus dont' they know that god will sort it all out at the great white throne judgement they dont' need to do his work for him.

What good will it do if a man wins a law suet and the heathen die and go to hell is there any pint to that?  Where are your priortitties oh christian?  These MKs need to get there hearts right before the Lord and learn to support his kindgom and work through the NTM mission or do you what to leaf the charismatics and catholics and johevahs whitness to win all the souls to there religion and then they all go to hell what a strange way to look at things.

THe most impotent thing in the whore world is to live ass if this is the last day of your life and you are all sold out for Jessus and winning souls to him not all the foolish things that Raz and the other whiney women and shitting duck are always carrying on about why is Gene Log so quite these days he is a quiter.

All you have to do is ass how many of the missionary familys quite NTM in the Phillipians when the so called abuse happened or did they stay with NTM for the cause of the Lord that should show whre is there priortitties.

God bless all of you who love NTM and thank you for the nice privates messages you half sent me on Facebook it is OK if you are too shy to post just keep reading and I will keep you updated on all the good things NTM is done and you dont' need to worry about sexual aubse of kids it is all exagerated.  And even if it is true let God sort it out he is the judge dont' jusde and you wont be judge.

I love NTM.

Friday, September 16, 2011


I am now on Facebook and I hope many peeple will be my fiends I know there are many out their who love NTM and do not love Santa and the whiney MKs who what to shut NTM down want is wrong with them?

Thank you Jesus that you razed up NTM to be your whiteness in the whore world so they can belief in you and not Cahtolics or tongs speakers or gay how sick.

I sea that many peeple post on the NTM page of Facebook that is wonderful I will two.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Love it or leaf it

I love NTM and I love all the good NTM missarys who love jesus and are preaching the gosple or helping support the rest by cutting grass or fixing trucks or flying plains or doing other things that we cant' trust the unsaved homosexual divorced world to do for the misionarys without causing trouble.  NTM was raised up by god and He is the one who is making them a sucksess.

If Titti Huss and all the other loud women dont' love NTM than just get out and NTM will be a better place because of it please quite making it sound like NTM has done all these things that the whiney MKs are whining about.  If anything bad happened it was not NTM that did it it was wolf in cheap clothing that did it and NTM got rid of them ass soon ass they could they only have godly peepole who walk in the spit and love jesus and meat the qualifications the Bible lays out for spirtual leaders like Moses and Erren.

So if you are in NTM get on broad and quite whining you are starting to sound like a MK is that want you what?  Do not cause division among Gods holy people be a part of the solution or quite being a part of the problem just do your job and trust the leaders that God has raised up and ordamned and is working through their lives you need to know your place and trust them they look out for your souls.

NTM is Gods mission.  Love it or leaf it.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I am still preying

My paster and me were disapointed when the judge did not through out the sinful hateful gross an vegneful law suet against NTM on the thirsty fist of August but we are still preying that this will not go throgh where would NTM get that kind of money get real this is not Let's Make a Deal it is spitual welfare and we need to be on the lords side not the Devel Santa the Evel One who hates god and are souls.

Their is so much exageration in all these stories that people are just now remembering that no one can belief it and yes you are right Raz you are all a bunch of whiney ungrateful fleshly hateful siners who is going to care what you think you need to get write with the lord and start reading your bible than you would know it is wrong two suet a bother in the Lord and NTM is your bother in the lord so please knock it off so more souls dont' go to hell that is worse then anything any of these so called MKs went thorough.

We are all standing behind NTM and they know it and are with us and I hope Larry Brown does not spend one more minute talking to any of you it is a waist of his time he has more to doo then worry about you why do you what to take up all his time he is gods servant and was razed up by god not man leaf him alone.

To all my friends who love NTM and what to see the Lrods work continue just keep preying with us all my paster says that is the best we can do but we also send gives to the missionarys we support and we dont' what any of it going to whiney MKs.

Any questions just feel free to ass me.