Monday, September 5, 2011

I am still preying

My paster and me were disapointed when the judge did not through out the sinful hateful gross an vegneful law suet against NTM on the thirsty fist of August but we are still preying that this will not go throgh where would NTM get that kind of money get real this is not Let's Make a Deal it is spitual welfare and we need to be on the lords side not the Devel Santa the Evel One who hates god and are souls.

Their is so much exageration in all these stories that people are just now remembering that no one can belief it and yes you are right Raz you are all a bunch of whiney ungrateful fleshly hateful siners who is going to care what you think you need to get write with the lord and start reading your bible than you would know it is wrong two suet a bother in the Lord and NTM is your bother in the lord so please knock it off so more souls dont' go to hell that is worse then anything any of these so called MKs went thorough.

We are all standing behind NTM and they know it and are with us and I hope Larry Brown does not spend one more minute talking to any of you it is a waist of his time he has more to doo then worry about you why do you what to take up all his time he is gods servant and was razed up by god not man leaf him alone.

To all my friends who love NTM and what to see the Lrods work continue just keep preying with us all my paster says that is the best we can do but we also send gives to the missionarys we support and we dont' what any of it going to whiney MKs.

Any questions just feel free to ass me.

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