Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thats more like it

I was sure glad to see that whoever in NTM was dong the blog at took there blog down it was awful.

Its hard to belief that they were really in NTM anyway they sounded fake to me.  I ought to know because I really do love NTM and I can tell when people are lying.  Who would say that NTM had cracks up their ideas?

Here is a sample of what they wrote before they delted it...

About NTM:  I have been reading the Fanda Abuse site for years and I do believe that NTM has not dealt with abuse in NTM as they should, and I started calling NTM leadership on it way back in 2009.  Yes, NTM leadership had some cracked up ideas in the past. Praise the Lord that they are not like that anymore.  They have changed their leadership team and are not the same cracked up group that so many churches supported for decades before the big change.  But, cut the crap-- Every organization has faulty Theology in some ways. Yes, we should call them out.  I have and so have others.  NTM is but a vehicle that we are using to serve the Lord--If NTM went down tomorrow, then we would find a different vehicle...  Again, I am not saying that NTM leadership shouldn't be called out for the wrong that they have done; they should...  Here is a good place to do that, and to do it without sin, without bitterness or anger and without stirring up dissension, mistrust and not walking in love and wisdom to other brothers and sisters in Christ.

Retired writes:  "NTM is but a vehicle that we are using to serve the Lord--If NTM went down tomorrow, then we would find a different vehicle..."  Well, that's easy enough for YOU to say, but what about the old people who gave their lives to the work of the Lord through NTM.  I guess they can find a new vehicle to handle their meager contributions and such housing as they have.  If you think it is so easy to find a new vehicle to serve the Lord just go out and start one of your own.  Than you'll see what is involved and maybe you can think of someone besides yourself.

Why did you even join NTM if it wasn't the very best choice for you to make?  That is the reason my wife and I joined it many years ago before you were even born.  And we had respect for our leaders too.  You seem to just dismiss all the old leadership with a wave and a "Praise-the-Lord-they-are-not-like-that-anymore."  Where do you think NTM would be if we had not had those Godly men in charge in those days?  I'll tell you right now there wouldn't even be a NTM, that's where it would be.  Than which vehicle would you be "using"?

It's easy enough to say NOW what they should have done THEN but it was a lot different world then and even talking about stuff like this would have spelled the end for NTM in a flash and I don't mean maybe.  People did not talk about this sort of things and they certainly did not make a big deal over them.  Our leaders did the very best they could and you might find a better hearing around NTM Homes if you could exhibit a little less arrogance and show some gratitude.  I bet you won't even post this!!!

Dear Retired:  I guess I win the bet!!!  And I even apologize if you find my blog arrogant and ungrateful.  I am honestly sorry you feel that way.

Just because NTM did some things right - and I never said they didn't - doesn't mean that there aren't things that need to be changed.  That is all I meant.  And it is people like you whom think NTM could never have done anything wrong that make change come so slowly today.

That is so awful and I think retried has the ritght idea.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Want kine of a fool would write this?

I just got ahot email from a unanimous person and they send this link to me and tried to make fun of me and pertend that people think I am a Parody I am not a Parody I am a Babtits.  And my name is not Red Bare Hen dont' be so stupid.  If you are so thick that you cant' tell I really love NTM maybe it is beczue you dont' all you love is yourslef.

Hear is the link and I do not belive thus can be a real NTM mssinary if they think NTM is cracked up they should look in a mere who do trey seer their?  Our crotch has sported NTM all these years and thy were NOT crakced up at the worst they may have had some prediophiles in there but they are all gone now and NTM don even have many broading shcools left so now it will be much harder to screw little kids they will have to look elsewhere maybe ABWE why dosn't someone pick on theem for a change?  NTM did whst they thought was best for the Lords work and if you dont' agree well it is to dam late now quite whining.

NTM has been at the foreskin of child protection many other missions have learned from them such as ABEW and CMA.  Joel Price was into child porn while he was with NTM but you may have noticed that he did NOT do anything to any children not even take naked pictures of them if they had had a smart guy working for them in internet security he porbably would have got caugt sooner and spared jail time NTM could have kept it quite they are NOT cranked up.  Who do you turst the most the world or Gods children?  Hint love not the world what do you think that means?

I do want to thank everyone for the large incrase in my hits and the many nice emails I get from NTM missionarys and those who sport them its nice to know that I am not the only one who loves NTM and lets all agree to  keep telling others the good news of this blog site and please send me stuff I can post here to encourage others and whoever is writing Lets cut the crap blog you have poroblems get help soon.