Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why dont' you quit the fanda eagles?

I dont' know why people want me to quit my web sight fro NTM because I love NTM and I am not ashamed of the gosple.  Maybe the Fanda Eagels should quite?

My paster called NTM and they said to him that there contributions are doing fine they are getting as much moeny as they ever did and no one has quite NTM over this stuff that happened twenny years ago why should they quite?  They did not do it and they are sorry and if everybody quites will that make any differece to the MKs or will it just mean people go to hell get real.

No one has quite supporting a good NTM missionarys over this beacuse why do you wnat them to punish the inosent they did not do these things and very few did most of them are off the field and out of NTM now why cant' you get over it?  Larry Brown and Dave Martin are mKs and they are doing fine even if they had some rough times when they wre in dorms are you the only people in the world that hvae had problems?

My paster says NTM is going to keep on with the work of readching tribel churches planted around the world and they will not give up.  You can wate and read the NTM financhul statement that comes out at the end of the year and you can see that they are dong fine and they have only lsot a few missionaris that God had to put onthe shelf because they have sin and immaturty in there lives give them tiem to grow and then they can come back but not if they are gay.

NTM is trying to solve all this they are not Roman Catlics where it has been a part of there perverted preiets and ungodly system for years NTM is not like that they are belivers so leave them alone and quit trying to destroy NTM what is in it for yOu?

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