Friday, December 10, 2010

Here are some answers for you wise guy!

Here is a crazy comments I got from my last post so I will anser them here what kind of a idiot would say things like this? Only a biter person.

Maybe you should ask yourself a few questions before continuing with this blog effort.

1. Is the content of this blog glorifying to God? If so, in what way?

It is more glorfying to God to win souls than it is to whimper and complain and be bitter. NTM is trying to win souls and all you are doing is slowing down there godly work how is that supposed to be a help and glorfiy God? I dont' see anything on the Fanda egales web sight that is glorfiyng to God at all just people who hate NTM and trying to bring shame to Gods servants for thiengs they didnt' do.

2. Is the content of your blog helping NTM? Not that that is in itself a worthy goal. However, it appears to be your goal. So why not reflect on whether or not what you write here actually helps you to accomplish it.

Why dont' you ask NTM I have many friends and people we support in NTM and they say the same things but they cant' say them in pubic because of people like you who will try to twist everyting they say and try to make it look like they think it is good that kids were molestated they do not believe that they love the Lord. Someone has to be a voice cryng in the widlerness and I am glad too do it.

3. Are you destroying (or better, have you destroyed) your credibility by writing like a four year old? Now, I understand that this might be your best effort. But perhaps the public would be better served by someone who 1) could spell, punctuate and write clear sentences; and 2) used sound logic and a balance. These elements are painfully absent here.

God has chosen the foolish things of the world to destroy the great and I would rather be a fool than an educated ass who only thinks about himself and not the souls of the lost in heathen darkness what kind of a chirstian are you? If you do not like the sound logic of the Bible then you just condemn yourself because what is a soul worth? Those who win souls are wise are you wise or just a whiner trying to detstroy NTM dont' worry about my crebidilty worry about your own soul. I never met a four year old who could spell or punctuate but I know several who love Jesus and have been saved.

4. Would you better serve the cause of Christ if you simply stopped writing and deleted this rubbish?

Would you better serve the cause of Christ if you simply stopped whining and tried to win some souls and deleted the rubbish off the websight that you are always putting up their? I will tell you one more time and here it is very bad things happened and we are sad and even mad but NTM is trying to deal with it and it does not need any more pubicity just give it a rest how do you think they can fix things with you breathing down there necks? Its not like NTM is the catholics where this stuff is common and all through there church the catholics have a pope but not NTM they have plural leadership wake up!

I think the answer to the last question is obvious.

I think it is obvious that you are bitter and I wonder if you are a Christian are you Gene Long? I hope you know that very few people agree with you most of them love Jesus and NTM and dont have time for your lousy websitght and why arent' you tyring to put Christ back in Christmas? Instead you want NTM to spend all its time with your little issues give it a rest and forgive.

Marry Christmas!

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