Sunday, January 30, 2011

I wish this was a joke but it is not

Some anamolous person posted this comment on my last entry:  this blog surely must be a sick joke. are you serious? this is very disturbing.

Yes these things are very distrubing and very sick but it is true that whiney missionary kids have truned there backs on all the good things that happened to them and can only think about being raped and having some old hag squeeze there balls how often did that happen?

It is very seious when all people can do is complane and not be thankful for the gospel that they heard when they were young and in mission schools and they think no one else has ever had porblmes but them well I can tell you that is not so.

And then when the godly leadership of New Tribes Mission does not want to put all the bad things of the cover of Brown and Gold mazagine they say that NTM is trying to cover up sin what a crock.  NTM is trying to preach the gospel to the heathen lost and not keep picking the same oranges off the groves in Amrica where homosexuals get married and have rejected the truth of the bible in favor of sin and darkness like the Catholics and even some Methodlists.

Planting chruches and translateriting the bible is not covering up sin it is doing Gods' will and our church supports NTM and my paster says we are not going to drop the support of good servants of God jsut because of some bad apples they didnt' do nothing to the missionary kids but they want NTM to stop all thier godly work just to solve this stuff from many years ago they hate Jesus and do not care about heathen going to hell.

I am glad that you are disturbed and can see how sick this is and I hope you will right to NTM and tell them that you are on there side to there are many of us and we will just keep giving our money to them and trust the Lord who raised up the Lord Jesus and raised up the leadership in NTM to lead guide and direct them to use it wisely and please do not give one more red cent to the MKs then you have to.

Praise God for your good comment Bother!

Friday, January 21, 2011

MKs are killing people why wo'nt they stop?

All these whiney NTM MKs are killing peopel with there demands for a one millon dollar MK fund what kind of foolishness is that?  Dale Shaylor needs a livver translpant and it would only cost less than half of that to make the down payment but the money is being used to help MKs with counseling that gets my goat.

Lots of MKs suffered bad thaings and we are sorry about that and whish it had never happened but its time to get over it and learn to live in victory in Jesus and lets use the money for a missionary pilot who flys into jungle areas with good solid missionarys who love Jesus and want to tell the natives about how not to go to hell.  I read his story on this sight:

Now, NTM does not have enough moeny to help this man AND also help with the whiney MKs who need counseling why cant' they get over it like others have?  They do not need to be a missionary to serve the Lord but it would shure help if they would quite whining and let others be the light unto the lost and a hope to the hopeless they need to get over themselves.

What kind of a testesmoney are they to those who do not beleive?  All the world will see is a bunch of babies who whine and cry and cant' get victory in there lifes and meanwhile some poor man has to go begging for money because NTM does not have enough money to help him with his transplant cost those things are expensive and NTM is not an inusruance company they are a nonprophet orgasimation to spread the Good News but they could probably part with a little cash if they didnt' have to deal with this one million dollar MK fund and that is just the tit of the iceberg.

If I was a MK I would be ashamed that I am killing this pilot by my selfish actions get over it already and may God bless you all.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

I hope everyone is ready for a new year I know I am I am sick of the MKs whinging around about things that happened when they where kids no one had a perfect childhood not every Larry Brown.

I do not beleive that the Fanda Eagles websight brngs honor to the Lord why dont' they shut it down and just get over it?  I am sick and tried of all that they are writgng and saying their and yes I did read there stuff over the long weekend and it just makes me sick why are they acting like this?

God raissed up NTM and God will continuye to us NTM and you cant' hold the entire mission ressponssible for the actions of a very few perverts many years ago they are all out of the mission now and only the good people are lfet except for maybe Andy Kline who doesnt' have any other misnistry to do but try and dig up dirt on the mission what a crock.  Listen if you do not like NTM just get out and nock it off we dont need you're kind making troulbe and pretending to be so spitural and want to help and only care about the truth if you cared about the trugh you would be a missionary not doing investingations what is wrong with you?

All of those hwo hate NTM are going to be sadly disapointed when they find out that NTM is hear to stay and will not cave into their foolsh demands and all the hate they have agenst the Lords' work and his pepole.  Our paster says we will not quite giving to NTM missionarys and niether will his paster freinds who also love Jesus and NTM why should these good ministrys suffer because of pepole who are not in NTM any more and did awful things many decades and even years ago that is foolish?

I am praying that this New Year will bring healing and apoligies from the MKs and that Gods good work in NTM will go on and we can put all this grabage behind us and press onwards towards the high mark of the calling of God in Jesus and win the eternal crowns that we will where in heaven isnt' that better than all this stuff down below get over it.