Sunday, January 30, 2011

I wish this was a joke but it is not

Some anamolous person posted this comment on my last entry:  this blog surely must be a sick joke. are you serious? this is very disturbing.

Yes these things are very distrubing and very sick but it is true that whiney missionary kids have truned there backs on all the good things that happened to them and can only think about being raped and having some old hag squeeze there balls how often did that happen?

It is very seious when all people can do is complane and not be thankful for the gospel that they heard when they were young and in mission schools and they think no one else has ever had porblmes but them well I can tell you that is not so.

And then when the godly leadership of New Tribes Mission does not want to put all the bad things of the cover of Brown and Gold mazagine they say that NTM is trying to cover up sin what a crock.  NTM is trying to preach the gospel to the heathen lost and not keep picking the same oranges off the groves in Amrica where homosexuals get married and have rejected the truth of the bible in favor of sin and darkness like the Catholics and even some Methodlists.

Planting chruches and translateriting the bible is not covering up sin it is doing Gods' will and our church supports NTM and my paster says we are not going to drop the support of good servants of God jsut because of some bad apples they didnt' do nothing to the missionary kids but they want NTM to stop all thier godly work just to solve this stuff from many years ago they hate Jesus and do not care about heathen going to hell.

I am glad that you are disturbed and can see how sick this is and I hope you will right to NTM and tell them that you are on there side to there are many of us and we will just keep giving our money to them and trust the Lord who raised up the Lord Jesus and raised up the leadership in NTM to lead guide and direct them to use it wisely and please do not give one more red cent to the MKs then you have to.

Praise God for your good comment Bother!

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