Friday, January 21, 2011

MKs are killing people why wo'nt they stop?

All these whiney NTM MKs are killing peopel with there demands for a one millon dollar MK fund what kind of foolishness is that?  Dale Shaylor needs a livver translpant and it would only cost less than half of that to make the down payment but the money is being used to help MKs with counseling that gets my goat.

Lots of MKs suffered bad thaings and we are sorry about that and whish it had never happened but its time to get over it and learn to live in victory in Jesus and lets use the money for a missionary pilot who flys into jungle areas with good solid missionarys who love Jesus and want to tell the natives about how not to go to hell.  I read his story on this sight:

Now, NTM does not have enough moeny to help this man AND also help with the whiney MKs who need counseling why cant' they get over it like others have?  They do not need to be a missionary to serve the Lord but it would shure help if they would quite whining and let others be the light unto the lost and a hope to the hopeless they need to get over themselves.

What kind of a testesmoney are they to those who do not beleive?  All the world will see is a bunch of babies who whine and cry and cant' get victory in there lifes and meanwhile some poor man has to go begging for money because NTM does not have enough money to help him with his transplant cost those things are expensive and NTM is not an inusruance company they are a nonprophet orgasimation to spread the Good News but they could probably part with a little cash if they didnt' have to deal with this one million dollar MK fund and that is just the tit of the iceberg.

If I was a MK I would be ashamed that I am killing this pilot by my selfish actions get over it already and may God bless you all.


  1. this blog surely must be a sick joke. are you serious? this is very disturbing.

  2. Thansk you for this anonminous post and if you will read the fandeagles web sight at you will see that there is no joke just bitter people who do not know how to forgive and only want money and retreets and like to whine they are sure sick. May God bless you for your concern and tell yur paster to keep supporting NTM.

  3. We just now were able to leave the tribe, get internet connection and send all the e-mails we've been typing since January. While we wish some of the comments made here by Red Baron were more polished, we agree with them. Red Baron is fighting an uphill battle, but is not deterred. We are proud of his/her stamina in combating all of these humanistic weirdos. Pray for us as we head back to West Kalimantan. The devil really has the people there by the throat.

    S&M plus our 3 little ones
