Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This one is for you Beverly shellRUDE thompson

And its for you two Dorothy Frohn and any other people who do not love Jesus and are talkng about dropping the support of good missionarys who have never molestated anyone and all they want to do is preach to the unsaved heathen in darkness have you no shame?  How many people in NTM do you think are child molestaters and perverts and sexual predators?  Even if you count all of them that have been put out of fellowship with God's people it isnt' too many and most of them are no longer in NTM.  But you wnat people to quit supporting thousands of missionarys because of a few bad ones that is foolishness and of the devel.

Spritiual people can tell when they are under Santanic attack of the evil one and that tells me that NTM is doing something right not wrong.  You dont' see santanic attacks on the gays or catholics but you are being used of the evil one to attack Gods annointed and most of you are women no surprises there.  Probably the rest of you are gay or blinded by pride and uplifted hearts like the bible answer man Gene Long get a life and quit bean used of the devel to send people to hell.

If you think for one minute that people are going to quit supporting NTM you are dead wrong my paster says we sure wont' and none he knows will either.  In fact the gifts have come up becuase good hard working christian people want to make up the shortfall in the MK fund and still not have to take more money from NTM missionarys who are in the fields which are ripe unto harvest we need workers not whiners get with the program or get out of the kitchen you women and be submissive to your husbums.

So all of you who love NTM and the work of the Lord that couldnt' be done any other way by other missions that do not care about christian starndards and premineliumal rupture and walking by faith in the Lord just keep sending your gifts to NTM and ignore the people like Beverly Shellrude Thompson who are saying do not give and quit all the work until this is all solved it is ALREADY ALL SOLVED it is over and done with many years ago and no one is happy abut it leave Tibby Westbrook and Andy alone they want to preach the Word not fiddle with whiners but you take up all there time soetimes it really gets me mad.  I hate it when people do not love Jesus.

I am parying for you all but especailly for the NTM missionarys dont' give up hope and maybe the whiney MKs will repent I sure hope so.  Learn to forgive.


  1. Those who love Jesus and the church have compassion for the pain of others. Your cold heart. your jumping to conclusions about others, your name-calling and lask of sorrow over what has been a painful and abusive chapter for many, makes me wonder if perhaps you are one who does not love Jesus.

  2. I half a lot of compression for the pain of other and that includes the missionarys who never molestated anyone butt you want to cut of there support and how could they ever get a real job again after all the years they spent dong the lords' work in forin cuntries?

    And yes I love jesus why do you think I send my tits and offerings to NTM to share the good knews? I am very sorry for whatever may have happened to these kids butt they arent' kids anymore they need to grow up and let byguns be byguns and thank the lord that they got the oppertunty to live in a Christlike envirement even if maybe some bad things hapened its not like bad things dont' happend in pubic schools in the US you know.

    I go to the NTM webs sight every day and my heart is warmed by the woncderufl storeys of what the good missionarys are doing for tthe Lord and how much money they need butt you want to cut it off just like that.

    Maybe you fortot to rejoyse when Les Enema repented did you know that the Angles in Heaven rejoyse when one siner repnets well he repented and I know the Angles were happy and so am I if he really did all those things who knows maybe he is a liar. None of this would ever have happened if the Fondle Eagles had kept there big fat mouths shut and just gone on with life like the rest of the kids who may not have had a wnderful time in the broading schools no place is prefect.
