Sunday, February 13, 2011

Are you divorceded?

I wonder how many of the people that hate NTM are divorceded maybe that is why there hearts are filed with so much hate.  NTM does not allow divorceded people or gays or other people who's life in not pleasing to the Lord to be missionarys so if you are divorceded why dont' you keep quite and learn your place hint it is not telling the godly leaders in NTM how to do there work.

They do not need you and they are still married to the women they married unless death did them part even if some of the marigaes are not prefect its better than divorce which God hates.  If you are divorceded why do you think your opinyan counts you lost that when you broke your vows so back off and let it rest.

NtM is doing there best to bring out all the details in good time but they have more importnat things to do than worry about sin in the camp that is no longer in the camp it is done and over with and finished and a  long time ago so nock it off and quite pricking on NTM.

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