Saturday, February 12, 2011

NTM is not Santanic

Some people have siad that NTM is Santanic but they are wrong it is not.  If you can read the Fanda Eglaes web sight you will see that they are full of hate and revenge and have no love for Jesus or NTM that is of Santa not God becaucse God is love not hate.

If you hate your bother you cannot love God do you ever read your Bible or are you like the answer man Gene Long and Ornery Hornery who like to twist words around and play games they are hatful and only want to destry the good work that is being done by others thew NTM which the Lord raised up not man do not tuoch the Lords' annoinnted.

Some bad people got into NTM and did arful things but the godly leaders have repneted of that and are dong there best to take care off things so give it a break and learn to forgive do not hate NTM it is not a cult the bad people are gone.  They went out from among us because they were never of us just of the evel one and they had enouf problems of therre own some of them are even in jail now but the good missionarys in NTM are trying to win the lost heathen to the Lord and save them from an eternity in hell if that isnt' wroth more than a few MK's who only want to whine because they missed there mommys then that will show you who is a clut.

How can you prey that God wll forgive your sins when you cant' even forgive things that happened years and year's ago that is foolishness you need a shrink.

I love NTM and my paster says we will keep supporting them and you better no that others will to so if you want to say all kinds of bad things on the Fanda Ealges Santanic web sight go ahead but we only read it so we can laugh at you are you even saved?

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