Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chose you this day who you will serve!

For those of yuo who hate NTM I want to tell you that I love NTM and no man can serve to masters so get on broad or get off!  The whinny MKs who only complane about how hard there lifes were do not love NTM and do not love Jesus or they would quite trying to bring disgrace on Gods servants and get on with there lifes and put all this behind them in the deepest part of the sea and as far as the east is from the west.

Off course NTM will not say much about the things that happened in the broading schools they are ashamed and that proves that they have repented so just stop it and get to work serving the Lord.  If you are gay or divorceded or not mature enough you cannot be a misssionary but you can still give money and do your part that way to get the heathens saved.  How many souls so you think have gone to hell because NTM has to take time to anwser questions from people who hate them and do not even support them and are probably gay what a waste of time and you want them to put stuff on there websight get real.

All the awful things happened a long time ago and there are hardly any broading schools left in NTM and they have very few dorm farters and mothers and its much easyer to keep an eye on them now so dont' worry nothing is going on now.  My paster called Larry Brown and he said he was sure the schools were safe for kids now and after all he was an MK too and now he is in charge of all of NTM so it didnt' ruined his life at all.

So if you want to read the Fanda Eagles websight and believe all that garbage and listen to the few poeple on it rave and rant and call Andy names and mock him go ahead but do not think that you are serving God you are serving the deval and as for me and mine house we will serve the Lord and continue to support NTM God is using them not you.

You make me sick but I know God loves you and will forgive you if you repent and shut up.


  1. Did you get sodomized at one of the MK schools? Indeed, you cannot worship two masters - so don't put NTM on a pedestal. Supporting NTM missionaries is fine. Turning a blind eye to rampant abuse is another matter.

  2. "dorm farters"??? The spelling and punctuation in these posts cracks me up. :-) Are these posts for real or is someone just making a comic blog?

  3. If you would spend as much efort trying to understand what I am saying as you do lauhging and trying to find misteaks than maybe you would relize that I am very serios. This has gone on too long and now it is time to quite. Souls are going to hell while MKs whine is that funny or are you an idiot?

  4. If Mr. Analomous thinks that making al this fuss about things that are over and done with many years ago is a good way to support NTM missionaries he is an idiot it just ruins there lifes. I do not think anyone was sodomonized at the NTM schools that has never been proven and most people dont' belife it. I was nver in NTM so how could I have been sodomonized what a foolish queston. NONE of this is going on now is it so just calm up and try to be a whiteness for the Lord instead of a jerk.

    I am sorry I had to use strong language but if you saw the comments that I do not post you would understand they say such awful things even worser than yours and yours sucked.
