Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am not ashame

OK so some one sent me this comment which I will post hear:

I agree that NTM is now on the right track and there is no more sexual abuse of children, nor has there been for many, many years. Under the circumstances, I think it is best to drop the matter and let NTM go through the investigation process. It will turn out good for NTM and bring all this to an end, even if it takes a while. In the meantime, all of us who love NTM and the work they are doing do not need to say anything. Evil people will distort your words, no matter how truthful or carefully phrased. So, Red, maybe it would be best to drop this blog for now?

I am very glad that this person agrees with me and my paster that NTM is good and there are no more perverted child sexual abuse their anymore there never was much and it is a shame to bring it up at this late date anyway.

But I will not drop this blog as he says because I am not ashame if they distort my words as he says they did the same thing to the Lord can we except less?  NTM has to spend money and tme and all there enegry on this stuff that is old news and who can tell if the kids are liers or not?  But NTM is our brother in the Lord and they can accept us to stand up for them and take there side they can just relax now and will carry the balls.  Larry Brown is an MK two and he turned out fine in fact he is in charge of all of the NTM and he never got divorced or has to take pills to be normal he jsut walks with the Lord but all the MKs are trying to drive him crazy if you want to talk talk to Tibby or Andy that is there job now.

If you are ashme of the Lord and his word and NTM and the work of the Lord then do not be suprized if the Lord is ashame of you in that great day on the other side when the role is called up yonder and the sheep are separated from the lams you are asking for it.

Just think about this

Do you know how long it has ben since there was even a singel accident of sexual abuse in NTM?  My paster called NTM and assed them and they couldn't even remember the last time it must have been a long time ago so we know it is no longer a problem.  We can be glad that it is over now and if it ever happens again you will here about it in the news bacsue they will call the police and not cover it up and I hope you will be happy when the Lords name is drug threw the mud I guess that is what you want.

NTM has to spend a lot of money to keep the whiney MKs happy what a waist.  My paster called and assed them how much this is costing and they told him it was a lot so we know it is a lot they are not liers.

My paster also assed them how many law suets they have had and they said they coulnt' say beacuse it was confidentaly but they have a good lawyer Mr Scott Ross and he can give advice to them if he wants he is there man he just isnt' going to do any infestations for them that is there loss.

So our paster said that we can keep supporting NTM and all there good missionarys and he is confidant that nothing has happened for a long time and most of what you hear is just all talk form whiney MKs I am glad he loves Jesus and NTM.

So think about that and be glad that things are OK now why do we even need a pesbertarian to infestigate NTM what a crock.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tank you for nothing

I wonder if the whiney MKS at Fanda Eagels ever stop to think about how much money they are costing NTM and there godly supporters what kind of pepole are they?  They balkmail NTM into paying for unsaved and secular human counselors and that is not enough they have to hire people to investagate them and tell them to set up MK funds and have retreats and write up mauels for schools they dont' even have any more what kind of joke is this?

Do any of you MK kids think that this will make you all better now why cant' you be like Larry Brown or Dave Martin they love the Lord and tehy are MKs too and they are not whiney balkmailers who dont' know how to forgive and are trying to distroy NTM and the work of the Lord in tirbes around the world.  Not all of the kids in NTM schools truned out bad or freaky or distrubed many are normal so what does that tell you it is your'e own choice.

The one god thing I see is that not so many poeple are posting idiot stuff on the Fanda Eagels web sight it is mostly people who are talking about forgive and forget and grow up and learn to turst others that is a start but they need to quite blaming NTM and even the bad teachers who may have done some of these things but lets wait until the new investigation that NTM has to pay for is over this is costing a lot of money that could have been used in the print shop or to buy bibles for unreached heathen now the catholics will probably get to them first arent' you ashamed of yourselfs?

I hope you bitter whiney revengeful and hateful MKs are happy about all the trouble you have caused for no reason thanks for nothing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Let me spel this out for you

Here is what someone comented: Supporting NTM missionaries is fine. Turning a blind eye to rampant abuse is another matter.

Listen to me there is no rampant abuse of any kid in NTM they are sorry for the things that hapened but  all that is happening now is waisting time and NOT supporting NTM missionarys is that fine?  Get a life and quite harping about things that are over and done with look how much time it takes NTM to deal with this stuff that is no longer a issue can you please stop it?

You whiney MKs are turning a blind eye to all the lost soles that NTM is trying to save and get the gosple out to those who have never heard and they have to spend money to get you to a shrink who does not believe the Bible and hire prestberians to investigate NTM what a crock of course they will find problems they do not even beleive in the presdispesationsal rupture of the chruch and they have women preahcers is this serious? 

Who is truning a blind eye to what and why isnt' all that money spent on missionary work and not this muckraking?  If the MKs had spent as much time tryng to raise support for missionarys as they did whining abut the past which cannnot be changed NTM would be able to keep more of the donations to spend on bibles and tarnasation and consultants and speed the gosple to the ends of the earth and not support shrinks and presteberians and who knows how many of them are gay do they know what marrigae is?

So please quiet harping about rampant abuse which there is not now and never was rampant a few cases from long ago means nothing now and it is over so stop it.  Understand?

PS  Jesus loves you and so do I. I am only telling you this because I lvoe you and I know Jesus wants you to repant and get on broad the Gosple Express.