Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tank god for poofymom!

I am glad that poofymom posted on the fondle eagles sight it did my heart good and I am glad the cowherds who run that sight had enough crouage to post it I am tired of all the crap they put and when my sister sends in stuff they leve it off they are afriad of the trues.

Here is what poofymom said and she should no:

New Tribes Mission is dear to my heart. Aritao School in the Philippines, the children, and the teachers there in the late 70′s & early 80′s were so precious. I used to send special things to them for birthday parties and comfort items.

The family that was taken hostage, the Burnham’s, had their children there. [So if you dont' belife poofymom just ask Garcia Bumham she can tell you and she is more brave then all of the fondle eagles put together.]

Some of the families at Aritao were related. There are comments being posted that reflect a lack of knowledge and yet claim MK status.   [I always thotgh that and now I no it is ture there are so many lyers out there just getting on the bandwageon.]

There are political leanings that troll sites looking to stir up strife. This is not a bandwagon to jump on. This has to do with God’s reputation, and His movement in this day and hour.   [Yes would you please quite hurting gods reputation lets keep him holy.]

God is exposing sin by shining a light on it. Games are over for the entire Body of Christ…and some of it is disgusting and heinous.  [Like the Fondle Eagles Gene Log Shitting Duck and that new kid two-master they are disgusting and heinious.]

For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Hebrews 4:12,13.

Games are over, it is time to get I John 1:9 real…and allow God to cleanse that heart full of compromise.

Anger & rage are no substitute for when God heals the broken heart and binds up the wounds. If a post does not leave a trail of the fruit of the Spirit, it cannot be part of what God is doing, or be blessed by Him for His plans and purposes. God IS exposing sin throughout the Body of Christ…but God is NOT pulling a bandwagon for people to jump on.

Get it yet yu fools?  God is exposing the sn of the Fonlde Eagles and the so called MKs who were so called raped or molistated or touched or spanked or someone saw there underwear grow up and quite lying and jumpin on bandwagons God is not pleased with you.

I love NTM and the godly work they are doing and I love Poofymom and she is not related to me but if I was single and she was single she would be my wife she is a doll and I love her.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I cunt hardly wait

I got a email assing me where've I been and if I was readng the fondle eagles web sight or nut and I have been butt their is just the same old crap on there and I nothing new they just whine and complain and dont' care if the heather go to hell or not just wan to suet NTM and get money from them what a luagh!

I cunt hardly wait till the judge in Stanford throws out the law suet and tehn well see who is assing who.  NTM is doing the work of the lord around the whore world and they dont' knead a lot of MKs tring to tell them about things that happened fourty years ago why dint they sapeak up then give me a brake.

If NTM is so bad why dint Jane Doe what a name that board has just go ahead and suet Les Enmory two?  It is because they know that he has repanted and the Lord has forgave him of his sins and shorcomings and he would just tell people that it was hiss fauld not NTM they were not neligent he was but he is right with the lord now why cunt the MKs follow his example and repant two?

Most of the people have already made a deal with NTM and I assed my paster to ass NTM what kind of a deal it was but NTM said it was private and they culdnt' tell but it was better to wrok things out that way then have a law seut and I agree why not quite and trust god for a change?

So we are ahving specil pray meetings at our crutch that the judge will throw out this frilivous suet and all these NTM MKs that are embareass the truth will shut up and get on with there lives and NTM can get on with the work theat they do best and they dont' need no help from gays or hormonesensuals or divorced peepole they meet the standards of Gods word do you or are you a biter MK?

I ass all peepole to pray for NTM and the leaders that god has razed up they dont' need you to tell them what to do just send money and trust god's leaders you trust your paster dont' yu?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

* * * * or in other words f**k

I saw that the Fondle Eagles changed their ungodly webiste to be a little more christian and I am glad that they got rid of hte word that they had on it I toll them to change it and you know I did because it was bad.

My paster toll me that I should change it on my webslog two and I will just ass soon ass I can finger out how to do it I never wanted to say a word like that in the first palce it is shameful to even think about saying it and I almsot never say it unless I am talk about he Fondle Eagles then sometimes it slip out it is just so hard to keep it in sometimes.

Now if the Fondle Eagles will jsut take off there website and tell peepole to quite suet NTM than we can get on with the lords work of reaching the lost and not shoot our own wounded it is time to heal just trust the Lord liek Unbelieveable said he is really good I read what he said and I apporve of it titally just learn to turst god and not be so angry NTM has alreaady said they are sorry wake up and rejoice in the Lord and not in your repressed memeries what a crok.

You cannot blame NTM ass a whore for want a few of there missionarys did they were lead of the devel and flesh and the whore world and got out of fellowshit what can you expect when people are cranal and on the shelf not walking in the light they have it was not NTMs fault maybe your skirts were too tite.

I love NTM and I beleive the lord will leed the judge to throw out this law suet it is way past time to move on try to trust the lord a bit and read hiss word and do not use bad words any mroe I will change mine too just give me time I almsot have it.

Lets preach the gospel to the heathen and barbarians and unsaved outsourcing of the earth before the catholics and jehoveh's whiteness reach them with the lies of Stan and even the mormons who are not really a crutch.