Tuesday, August 2, 2011

* * * * or in other words f**k

I saw that the Fondle Eagles changed their ungodly webiste to be a little more christian and I am glad that they got rid of hte word that they had on it I toll them to change it and you know I did because it was bad.

My paster toll me that I should change it on my webslog two and I will just ass soon ass I can finger out how to do it I never wanted to say a word like that in the first palce it is shameful to even think about saying it and I almsot never say it unless I am talk about he Fondle Eagles then sometimes it slip out it is just so hard to keep it in sometimes.

Now if the Fondle Eagles will jsut take off there website and tell peepole to quite suet NTM than we can get on with the lords work of reaching the lost and not shoot our own wounded it is time to heal just trust the Lord liek Unbelieveable said he is really good I read what he said and I apporve of it titally just learn to turst god and not be so angry NTM has alreaady said they are sorry wake up and rejoice in the Lord and not in your repressed memeries what a crok.

You cannot blame NTM ass a whore for want a few of there missionarys did they were lead of the devel and flesh and the whore world and got out of fellowshit what can you expect when people are cranal and on the shelf not walking in the light they have it was not NTMs fault maybe your skirts were too tite.

I love NTM and I beleive the lord will leed the judge to throw out this law suet it is way past time to move on try to trust the lord a bit and read hiss word and do not use bad words any mroe I will change mine too just give me time I almsot have it.

Lets preach the gospel to the heathen and barbarians and unsaved outsourcing of the earth before the catholics and jehoveh's whiteness reach them with the lies of Stan and even the mormons who are not really a crutch.

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