Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dont' Abuse NTM

NTM did not abuse those MKs in Segenal or the Philippians.  If any suck things happened it was because of wolfs in sheeps clothing sneak in and pertend to be Christians but wre not and it was NOT want NTM and their godly leadrship whated.

Now soem so called victim is sueting NTM for millions of dollars that they dont' even half and poor mnissionarys like Titu Hoss have to give up there hard earned money to pay for this fuelishness that is so unfair and it s abuse if you ass me.  God does not punish the inocest with the guilty only cranal people who are not walking with Jesus would do that.

Of corse NTM has had to hire layers to defend themselves what would you do just hand over three million dollars?  NTM has alraedy said they are sorry what more could you want?  Let it go and learn to forgive and forget like the bible says and do not seek to have revengence for yourself.  I tell you I sure miss Sherpa Dud he new his bible better than the rest of those MKs who only what to cause trouble and say awful things about NTM.

God did not call you to be a judge of NTM and there missionarys who are surfing the Lord around the whore world.  He can put things right in his own time when he sees fit and he is more interested in the gosple reaching every tribe in the north south east and west than he is in some MKs who doesnt' know what a good thin they had they were lucky too be born into a christian home they could half been born pygmies or other heathen or even in a Catholic home and grew up gay is htat better?

So please quite abusing NTM and leaf them alone they love Jesus and are doing his will and only a very few of them actually did child abuse if it realy happened and these MKs arent' just making this out.

I love NTM and you can visit me on Facebook if you want I dont' have many friends yet I think some peopel are against me beacuse I am a Christan and god said weed suffer for our faith so I guess it just goes with being sold out to jesus and NTM.

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