Sunday, October 30, 2011

This is no joke

Many peopel have wrote me and excused me of makeing a joke of the abuse the Fondle Angels say happened and we who love NTM doubt and I want you all to know that this is no joke it is not funny and no I am not trying to be funny I am only saying what I feel and what my paster teaches us and all of us who love NTM think.

It is not easy bean a dorm farter or mother and still trying to be the housebum and farter to your own wife and kids at the same time these men work hard and it is not right to excuse them and try to make it sound like all the dorms in the whore world are bad they are not and if they were so bad why are they so few kids who say they were molester?

They is not one single dorm in the whore world where every single kid says it was bad so what does that tell you?  It tells me that this is an overblown and egzagerated non story and it needs to go away befoe it does more damage to the reputations of good and goldy men who have never done antyhing to deserve this sort of lies and they are only trying to wretch the world with Gods grace and the massage of slavation they are not Mormons or gay get with the progarm why dont' you.

NTM does not need to close its mission broading schools they have done a good job and look at how many missionarys they have made out and even doctors and pilates they are not idiots they study hard and get good grades and love Jesus that is better than whinging all the time.

So no I am not joking and yes I am serial and I fully support NTM which as David Abbott says is unfortunately made up of people.  God bless them one and all.

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