Friday, October 28, 2011

NTM ass a hole by David Abbsot

Hear is what DAvid Abbsot sent me on my Facebook page I really like it.  It is just whant I half been saying all along only he says it even better NTM ass a hole is on-track spitually and I believe him why wouldnt' everbody?

Unfortunately, all organizations are composed of people. Sometimes people have bad experiences with other people for spiritual reasons and other times for fleshly ones.

New Tribes Mission is no exception.

Some people have legitimately had problems with New Tribes Mission members because the NTM members were either unregenerated or living in the flesh.

Other people have problems with New Tribes Mission because they disagree for spiritual reasons. Either way, there are always those who will be hostile toward an organization.

As a member of New Tribes Mission, I believe NTM is on-track spiritually overall in its approach to evangelism and discipleship and is taking unprecedented steps to address members who are acting in ungodly ways. ...But no human institution is perfect.


Ass David says it is unfortunate that orgasmations  are composed of people it is too bad they cant' be composted from something else but we have to wrok with want the Lrod has given us and he gave us orgasamations made up of people not robots or german sherpards.

Plus NTM is taking underrepresented steps to address members who are acting in ungoldly ways too bad they cant' root out the Fondle Eagles while they are at it they are very ungoldly and wicked there is no need to talk about maturbation on there websight just leave sex out of it until you are ready to do something about it and quite trying to take it into your own hands have you no shame?

Ass DAvid says their will always be people who are hostile against orgasms and NTM is no exception how can you condom them for that?

It was not NTM that did the things that the Fondle Eagles are complain about but if it is true it was jsut some unregenerated members or maybe they were walking in the flush and not turstng the Lrod but it wasnt' NTM so there is no need to be hostile to NTM ass a hole.

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