Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Leave Titi Alone!

Ok you idiets alls that Titi Hess said was this and I will post it hear:

Yunker and others who can't stand NTM. Nothing that NTM does will ever satisfy you because you have made it very clear that you don't trust NTM and you think they are crap. Have you considered starting your own investigation, spending some of your own money, researching and hiring your own investigators. I'm serious. That way I would think you would have more confidence and control in the process. You may not like what NTM is doing but they are doing something and it is being paid for by my husband and I and every single member of NTM USA and those who support NTM. I don't know how many people in the end will be shown to have been involved in abuse but I hope it will be 20% or less. The rest of us the other 80% have to make up for those losers.

And tehn some anomalous fool calling hisself the green latrine comes on and twists her words to make it sound like she whats 80 percent of the missionarys to be spitual that is not what she meant she just choose a number and if you cant' get the point then get a life want is wrong with you are you Mormon?

Titi should just quite posting like Andy and Tubby did they knew it was a waist of time and that no matter what they siad it would be twisted and made to sound like they like perverts and they do not tehy love Jesus and the gospel and lost souls around the whore world in heathen dankness.

Younger and the others who hate NTM will never be satiated no mater what NTM does Titi was write about that and we all know it and you just cant' stand NTM ass a hole and try to make them pay for your investigations and my paster says he already knows that some of the money we send to the missionarys goes for all this trouble you are cussing he doesnt' need NTM to tell him he is not a fool except for a fool for Jesus sake for Gods sake.

So leave Titi alone cant' you tell she is a woman and she cant' help the things she said God make women like that and if she was smarrt she would jsut shut up ass I have advized before her hart is in the right place but she isnt' a man jsut a woman.

Dont' be one of the loosers support NTM and resist the eval one.

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