Monday, October 10, 2011

To the tirbes!

Why is it that the MKs cant' see that peple dont' believe them?  All they are care about is themselfs and not the lost tirbes who have never heard the goospel.  Those are wired priorities that will get you nowhere except hell did you know htat?

I assed my paster and he said that there are many more well adjusted and sane MKs out there and even Larry Brown is a MK and he is in charge of NTM if the schools were so bad how did these pepole trun out so good?  Maybe some kids got spanked to hard and maybe some dorm farter scared the little girls but that is just normal stuff and then kids blow it all out of preportion and make up stories and try to hide how bad they are and everyone gets down on the missionarys and it makes a big mess and NTM has to spend money to fight all the law suets and all they are after is money.

Even MKs in the states are MKs and there mothers and farters have to send them to pubic schools not good christian ones like on the forein field count your blessings MKs and quite picking on the ruff times it wasnt' all that bad we all know that.  Once one MK starts whining than the others jump on broad and everybody tires to outdo everbody else and they start making up sotries so they can post on blogs and dont' have to work if tehy didnt' want to work they should have been mssionarys and lived by faith.

Lets all work to get the tirbes reached with the goospel before it is to late and they die and go to hell with the cathlics and jehoovah whiteness and mormons of course mormons are a cult didnt' you ever read your bible?

I do not condom the MKs but they need to quite down and learn to turst the Lord and read there bibles and stop the law suets and ass NTM for forgiveness NTM did the best they could and they only tired to help lets go to the tirbes!

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