Friday, March 30, 2012

Quite slandring and grow up

Why are the MKs so mad and no matter what NTM does they get mad and use rough language like bull shit when they post they are not running for presiden and they need to quite bashing and tearing apart every thing that NTM says what the hell do you want?

Listun to me Mitt Unsaintly and Gene Log and whatever happened to shitting duck?  You are dam right that supporters will continue to support NTM and we are porud of it not assame of the gopsell we will stick with them and yes the MKs are liers.

You are all after money and just what to close down NTM so you can think that you are bigger than God who the hell do you think started NTM if it wasnt' God he just used Paul Fielding as his agent butt it was god all the same dont' you ever read you Bible or do you just depend on your own winston?

I was very glad to see the new letter that was posted with permission on the Fondle Eggheads website and it was very good and my paster licked it two.  NTM said they were wrong and they are sorry and have repandted and what the hell more do you want back off!  God can take care of these things in his own time and he does not need MKs who think they know everything it was no picnic growing up in the states either you can belief me so you are nothing speshcial you just grew up forin and maybe that is your problem but its a small price to pay to see people in heaven and NTM was not full of preverts any more then it is now.

I am so assame of the MKs who talk like they do and do not repect there elders and have respect for gods servers and ministers if that isnt' just like a crotch what is?  I thought you all were going to let this thing die and just go away isnt' that a better idea?

And while your at it dont' ass me to post any rude comments you make from now on im just taking comments from people who love NTM if you hate NTM go post on the Fadda Fiddle sight this one is for ture believers my paster says be seprate form the world.  Amen?

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