Friday, March 2, 2012

How incontinent!

Sometimes I cant' believe how incontinent and foolish some of the comments on the NTM hate site also called is.  They want people to suet NTM and then when NTM has to defend there self against it they say they are waisting the lords money well duh!  Maybe you incontinent fools didnt' notice that NTM is being sueted for over three million dollars if they dont' defend there self they will loose all that money and if it isnt' the Lrods money who's do you think it is Obama?

NTM did not start all these rumors about sensual abuse in the mission schools they tried to keep it quite and not embareass the kids and for all we know it didnt' even happen and we were all a hell of a lot happier when we thought it didnt' happen so why mess things up now it is a huge mess.  Lots of kids went to the broading schools and never had any problems with there dorm farters or mothers of any buddy else they turned out fine and they arent' sueting NTM jsut a few people hate NTM because they hate jessus.

I am still preying that the Judge will just dissmiss this suet and that the lord will be glorified by NTM when they can finally get some piece of quiet and not have to put up with all these incontinent worldly cranal and hatful MKs.  Please grow up and learn to forgive.

And while your at it drop these law suets it is just putting money into unsaved layers pockets and they will spend it on whiskey and women and brith control.

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