Friday, February 17, 2012

God loves NTM

NTM is a good mission orgasmination that has been razed up by god to take the good news to the whore world.  Paul Flemping was a godly man who was not divorced or hormonesexual and did not speak in tongs.  NTM has the highest qualifucations of any mission in the world and they have there own training pogrom two.  People who do not measure up wash out and god just puts them on the shlef and uses them as supporters and maybe pray warriors but only men who reach the standards of a elder can be a missionary with NTM.

NTM does not have women leadership and if any women doesnt' like that it just shows that she is in rebellion against what god has ordained join the Methodists if yuo feel this way but leave NTM alone my paster says our crotch will always be there for NTM.

I belief that god loves NTM and I would whether be on his side then the side of the fanned eagles they are just whiney MKs I have herd from many MKs who had a good time and never had trouble with there dorm farters or dorm mothers or the field committees or other perverts.  People are tried of hearing all these stories of abuse and it is impossible to belief them NTM is not that kind of a place and will you please just stop it and lets forgive and get on wiht surfing the lord.

God bless you all on this long weekend and keep your eyes on Jeuss.

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