Thursday, February 9, 2012

NTM is a Crotch!

Missionarys in NTM are required to go to crotch every week twice on Sundays and they also have Tuesday nihgt meetings ever week.  In fact NTM is a crotch I looked it up on the web.

Jesus loves the crotch and died for it and how can people be against NTM and there good missionarys they are just trying to shut down the crotch what a waist.

If their are bad people in the Crotch of NTM just let god deal with it he is sovern and he does not need the help of whiney MKs why cant' they grow up?

If bad things happened and we do not know for sure that they did we only have the word of those who hate jesus and the crotch of NTM but if they did happen god can judge it himself and lets' not be bitter but learn to forgive and forget and try to share the gospel with the whore world insted of backbiting and devouring one anothers crotch.

I assed my paster about this and he agrees and does not think that the state has any business bieng involved in the affairs of the crotch dont' you ever read your bible?

May God bless the Crotch of NTM and perverse them from all their enemas!


  1. Are you for real!!!! What a riot.

  2. Yes anonymus I am for reel and I am not mocking anybody I love Jesus and NTM and God razed up NTM to be a crotch and if you dont' support them than just go to the other web sight for people who hate them and like to libel and slander all these good people who love the lord and have work hard for him.

    Here is the sight
