Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dont' forget!

I love NTM and I do not belief the Fanda EAgles you can read there web sight at it is a crock.

For all of you whingers that like to whine about how bad the MK broading schools were and who awful the drom farters were just try to remember a few things I will spell it out for you.

1. No one has ever gone to jail over all these so called crimes doesnt' that tell you anything?

2. Only the kids that hate jesus even say these thigns happened do you ever here Larry Brown the goldly leader of NTM who was razed up by jesus say these things do you think he was ever abused in NTM braoding schools or do you think he is just incontinent?

3. Lots of kids have come out of the schools that have gone on to be come layers and even doctors and good peple who make money and support missions and many more have be come missionarys themselves and dont' bring up Joel Price he did not molest anybody he just had some nasty pictures on his computer he will be out of jail soon enough and back to surfing the lord.

4. How about all of the people who will be in heaven and not hell doesnt' that count for sojething?  If anyhthing really happened god can sort it out in his own good time he is not in a hurry one day is like a thoughsand years just look at Isril he is no hurry their!  Why are these whingy kids so full of hate and revenge and not forgiveness if you dont' forgive you wont' be forgiven get it?

5. NTM is a crotch are the folded eagels a crotch?  Who do they think they are to make such viscous attacks on the crotch of the lord which NTM has ordainered leaders just like in the Bible do you or are their a bunch of women leading it?

6. Dont; forget to prey for missionarys around the world and expecially thoise in NTM who are udner attack of the eval one and have to pay money so they wont' have to give any moeny to the MKs get rael.

I love Jesus and I am glad so many wonderful peole out hter do two and I dont' mind if you wnat to say that I am a fool I am a fool for jesus just like Larry Brown and the other godly people in NTM only I am not a missionary just a supporter.

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