Wednesday, February 8, 2012

One milloin waists of time

OK so one milloin people have cliked on the Fondle Eagles web sight and now all of the fuels are excited well I got news for you it is all a huge waist of time dont' you have nothing else to do? 

There is no place in gods wholly kingdom for the viscous attacks on NTM that all the people that hate NTM post on the web just let it go and learn to heel are you going to be biter all you're live?

God raised up NMT and he us using it to reach unsaved people if you are saved get with the pogrom or get out of the kitchen.  Are church suports many NTM missionays and they are good people who have never ever molestated any kids that we know of and we even assed them.

They were happy to be assed and they all said no but it is a shaim that you had to ass us what is the world coming to when some disgrumpled mKs can casue to much trouble for us?

Any one whoo whats to waist there time on the Fonlde Eagles web sight go ahead but ass for me and my hose we will serve the Lord amen?

1 comment:

  1. I have just come across your blog and I am a bit confused. I am an MK through NTM and I still support NTM missionaries. However for you to assume that anyone who passed through the mission is perfect is a bit naive. My parents were a part of several committee meetings in which staff members had to be dismissed because of sexual conduct with the children. That is no way says that all the staff were bad but some where. To say to an abused person that is not your story that is not true is like me trying to tell you that what you experienced in your life is not true. I will not try to change your life story if you do not try to change ours.
    It is good to support good people who are doing Gods work BUT it is wise to remember that not everyone who says they are about Gods business is. Discernment is a God given gift and it would be a good thing to ask for.
