Friday, May 18, 2012

You are all so preserve

I just want to say that I am shocked at how preserve the people who post on the Fanda Eagles web sight are.  It doesn't matter what NTM does you will find fault and show your bitter colors and whine and make fun of them.  You should be ashamed of your shelves.

God's word makes it clear that there will be mockers in the last days and that is what you all are.  If you think anyone feels bad that NTM didn't make a big deal over all these so called cases of abuse you've got another think coming.  No one is happy that this has come out it is an embarrassment to every good Christian and it should not be talked about it is an unfruitful work of darkness if it is true and stupid if it is not.

You don't talk about your bowel movements in pubic do you?  Some things are too private and gross to be talk about in pubic and sexual abuse of children is one of them.  And since we don't even know if it really happened or not it is all the more reason to keep quiet about it and not trumpet it all over the whore world wide net for Catholics and unsaved people to read about and make fun of the Lord's name.

This is just plain blackmail and it is wrong to squeeze money out of NTM for things that might just be lies who knows?  Why not let them get on with the work of the Lord in the tribal areas of the world where the gospel has yet to go and save some souls and tarnish the bible and do other things that are of eternal value and just get on with your lives.  That is how it was for many years and who died from it?  Think about it.

Try to forgive your dorm parents and your real parents and the field committee and anyone else you think may have mistreated you or not done things the way you like them done and now you want revenge.  Revenge is mine I will repay says the Lord didn't you ever read that in your bible it's time to put revenge aside and forgive and forget and get on with your life like everyone else do you think Larry Brown's life was a bed of roses?  Why do you keep picking on him he is accountable to the missionaries in NTM and the supporting crotches and others but not to those of you who are not in the mission and are not supporting it why should he give a rat's ass about you just go away if you'll pardon my Spanish.

My paster and crotch support NTM and we want our money used for the gospel not for paying blackmail and extension to bandits do I make myself clear?  Get a job get over it and get your act together what planet are you from Uranus?

It is costing NTM too much in time and money to keep fiddling with this attack of Santa and it diverts them from their godly work of making disciples of all notions and saving the heathen from hell fire do you want blood on your hands?  NTM sure doesn't and you are keeping them from God's work you never talk about that you are so dam worried about your own shelves and little problems just wait till you get to hell than you will know what problems are all about.

Just try to think about the good things and the good times you had and if you have not ass Jesus into your heart do it now and you will be pleased with what you find that you have piece with God for a change and not this bitterness.

People like Gene Log are in the bible it says they were among us but they went out from us because they are off the evil one and not of us that is in Peter or John somewhere google it if you are so ignorant of the bible that you don't know already.  It means they are apostles who do not love God no wonder they don't love their brother NTM witch was raised up by God for this very purpose.

So do not be preserve and do not listen to those who are complaining they will drag you down.  Look to Jesus and live and try to thank God for NTM and see if your attitude doesn't improve as you trust God and not man and lawyers.

Ass for me and my house we love NTM!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I am not alone

Some people think that I am carzy and mosquito bitten thinks I am a waist of time but I know there are people out their who ageer with me and I just got this nice comment on my last post here it is:

Our field committee really appreciates what you are doing. I think if the wimps in Sanford quit trying to placate all of these MK bandits, the mission would get a lot more done. At least we are finding out who is in this work for power and popularity and who wants to do the Lord's work. 

This wondferl missionary spelled every single word corectly and they said it the best I've ever hear it said two. Serving God is not a populatiry contest it is a spritural ballet and these MKs are just bandits who are trying to take the Lords money for there own selfish and degraded lifestyle some of them dont' even go to chruch they need to get a job.

It is time that the godly leadrs in Stanford just told the whiney MK bandits to shut up and go away and if they want to sue let them sue and not one more penny for them we have wrok to do this will never end otherwise.

My paster called Stanford and said that we want them to stop dealing with the MKs and just lets get on with the wonk of the Lord and we are all in this together please do not listen to Raz and her fiends let them call you out all they want just ignor them and let them whine all they want it dont' hurt nothing at all they have to much time on there hands.

Lets get to wonk for the lrod and keep NTM what God called it too be not a cash cow for MK bandits I am so anger that part of the mnoney we send to our Missionarys goes to thsi fund we didnt' abuse any kids and nether did our missionarys.

God bless America and also NTM.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Can Catholics post?

Someone assed me if Catholics can post and the answer is no unsaved people can post here this is a Christian sight not unsaved.

Maybe you done know it butt the Catholics are the ones who abuse children and have sexual preverts in their ranks and they cover it up and it is a shame how could anyone be a part of that so called religin?

NTM is not Cahtolic and they have only had a few reports about sexual abuse of kids from mostly weird and bitter people some of us done even belief it but I believe the stories I hear agbout hormonesexuals in the Cahtolic preisthood and there nuns there is just to much not too believe it.

So if you are a Cahtolic you half to choices either get saved or go to hell which will it be?  NTM misionarys are wonking to take the gospel to people who done even half a bible butt they still need to get saved read your bible done just listen to your preiest havent' you ever hard of the pesthood of the beliver?

Thanks for assing come back when you're hart is right with the Lord.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Suggestoins fro Fabda Eagles

Here is my suggestoins fro your web sit blog and fromon:

No idiots can post.

No bitter people can psot.

No unsaved prepler can post.

No angry MKs can post.

No one who hates NTM can post.

Raz cant' post.

Defused cant post.

Mosquitoe Bite cant' past.

This should fix things and thn we can all relax and get on with out lives.