Monday, May 7, 2012

Can Catholics post?

Someone assed me if Catholics can post and the answer is no unsaved people can post here this is a Christian sight not unsaved.

Maybe you done know it butt the Catholics are the ones who abuse children and have sexual preverts in their ranks and they cover it up and it is a shame how could anyone be a part of that so called religin?

NTM is not Cahtolic and they have only had a few reports about sexual abuse of kids from mostly weird and bitter people some of us done even belief it but I believe the stories I hear agbout hormonesexuals in the Cahtolic preisthood and there nuns there is just to much not too believe it.

So if you are a Cahtolic you half to choices either get saved or go to hell which will it be?  NTM misionarys are wonking to take the gospel to people who done even half a bible butt they still need to get saved read your bible done just listen to your preiest havent' you ever hard of the pesthood of the beliver?

Thanks for assing come back when you're hart is right with the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Our field committee really appreciates what you are doing. I think if the wimps in Sanford quit trying to placate all of these MK bandits, the mission would get a lot more done. At least we are finding out who is in this work for power and popularity and who wants to do the Lord's work.
