Sunday, July 1, 2012

When will you learn?

I just wonder when all of you preserve MKs will learn to obey the good Lord and not be such bandits you should be ashame if you ass me.  It takes a lot of time and money to fight youre lawsuets and people die an go to hell is it nothing to you all ye that pass by?

I half been busy lately I have to work for a living I do not live by faith like the godly missionarys in NTM do they turst the Lord for there money but I half to wonk for mine and I do not spend all my time on the innernet like some people down under whose name is Bemused do I guess he is lving by faith two.

It makes me made when I see my good money going to pay for balkmail by MKs who are not thankful for the good life they had do they think the sun rises and sets on them?  I want my money used for missionarys to preach the word to the heather who are bound for hell and get them saved before the Cathlics get them and make them more unsaved then they already are.

I am glad that I live in America where our contry was funded on Christian principals and why are we having a Moron running for President wasnt' it bad enough with Christians?  NTM is not a clit butt the Morons are and I wish Larry Brown would run for President he loves jesus and is not a Moron.  I am afraid god will withdrawl his blessings on the US if we erect a Moron it is bad enough that the Surpreme Cort has passed Obanacare what is this country coming too?

Now we half all these bandit MKs suetsing NTM and I sometimes wonder if that is the reason that the lord has given us a Moron for peresdent just to punish us for all that these MKs are doing think about it next time you vote or suet.

NTM is gods organismation and I am tried of all the lies that are being told just to try to get some money take my word for it the laywers will get most of it and just use it to suet more good crhistians it makes me sick please learn and repant and support gods organimation or at least leaf it alone it is time to get on with the wonk this is the last days amen?

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