Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Are you even erect?

I have been studding with my Paster and his wife and want to share some of want I learned with you MKs because you maybe missing something in your life.

All of you MK bandits need to ass yourself if you are even erect.  If you are not among the erect there is something wrong with your life and you need to get it straightened out while you still can.  Not all of the erect in the whore world are in NTM but all the people in NTM are erect and it is a shame for you to rob them and try to use there money for youre own purposes.

Just because you are not yet erect does not mean that you can never be erect.  Do not just depend on your feelings to know if you are erect.  Erection is a matter of face.  If you are filled with hate and revengence and lies and just want to take money away from the Lords work among the erect in NTM then you are not erect.

Many people theink they are erect but they are not such as cathlics and gays and Jehoovahs whiteness.  True erection is for believers who have walkied the isle and believed the gopsel and are not just playing around.

I have red a lot of the awful stuff that the MK bandits and those who are also bitter on the Fondle eagles home page blog and wetsite and I do not think any of them are even close to being erect they are reprobates and have no love for NTM or Jesus they are unerect fools.

Please try to understand erection and if you need help just ass someone you trust to help you. Maybe your paster or if you know a good christian teacher or leader or even someone in NTM.  There is nothing to be afraid of and if you were erect you would not want all of these alleged stories to get out either just back off get erect and walk with Jesus like Larry Brown.

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