Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Think about this

Instead of calling NTM names and saying bad thigns about them and trying to detroy their good name and reputation why dont' you think about this for a minite maybe you can see what a waste of time the Fanda Eagles is just knock it off.

My paster called the Executive Broad of NTM and he told me that no one has quit NTM over this so called abuse issue not one person all those who have quit were quitters and dissattisfied and most of them were walking in the flesh but no one quit because of all the lies that are being told.

Not one single missionary in NTM has lost one dime of support becuase of all the so called revleations about so called abuse in NTM years and years ago.  GRACE can whine about former members of the EC if they want to and suggest fines that is fine with us but maybe you din't notice that his supporters stand by him and supportt him he did many good things and god will not forget his faithfulness why should we?

NTM has lots of people studding at there bible school and the mission course is full they need more money to build more buildings you are going to make NTM go away it is here to stay and share the god news arolund the whore world.

I dont' know how you would tell but it looks to me like people still want to be missionarys with NTM and I dont' blame them it is the best mission around even though we support a few missionarys from other missions but none of them are gay or diverse.

The only thing that the MK bandits have done is make NTM spend a lot of money for what just to defense themselves against things that happened many years ago when are you going to let it go and get on with life your'e not getting any younger just move on.  Money is not the only impotent thing in the world so get a grip and stop these suets and just go away and forget about it eveyone has have problems in there lives not just you.

Think of all the money that is wasted that is all that yoyu have done just make NTM waste the Lords money nothing else no one is abusing kids and many of the schools are already closed before you started this mess now please stop and lets all save the money for the good work that NTM is doing we want our missionarys to have the money not layers and unsaved people we arent' even sure how much of this is just made up to steal money you can not serve god and money make a choice and keep quiet.

If you had jsut kept quite and lived a good christian life none of this would be ahppening and I could drive my turck and missionarys could do the work of the lord and you wouldnt' be any worse off then you are now so dont' you think it is time to quit?

I am going to chick fill aye now and support the kingdom and trues.

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