Thursday, August 30, 2012


I get a lot of questions form people who do not want there names used I think many of them are actually in New Tribes but the Fondle Eagles have them on the run well all I can say is be strong in the Lord and do not fear what man can do unto you they can only destroy the body and the bank account but not the spirit in hell here are my answers so you do not have to revel your name.

1.  Is NTM a cult?

This is so stupid and only a few people would say this mostly people who are angry with New Tripes and have a bone to pick and are bitter and do not know how to fogive the answer is NO.

I assed my paster and he is the one who told me to relax NtM is not a clut people  who say that dont even know what a clut is but my paster told me the difference and here it is.  If what a group of people is teaching will send you to hell if you belief it it is a clut if you can still go to heaven but are just missed up it is a demonation.  Catlicks, Jehonah's Whitness, Morons and Moonies are all cluts.  Pesterbarians and Methdicks are demonations.  Baptits and Bible crutches are mostly OK.

2.  Should I vote for Mitt Romney for POTUS?  He is a Mormon.

My paster says it is fine to vote for a Moron for president it is the American way.  Many Morons are decent people and they have a good choir to.  It is true that he will go to hell when he dies if he does not repent and accept Jesus as his personal savior but that is true for all people unless they are born saved and even MKs are not born saved as we can see from the Fondle Eagles web sight.  Donot vote for MKs for anything unless they have gone back into the work like Larry Brown that is what being an MK is all aobut he did not waste his life.

3.  Is your name really Red?

No that is not my real name I have never met anyone who is really named Red have you.  All you have to do is look at my hare guess what color it is yes read go finger!  Red is just my nick name.  My paster says there are people out there who will try to tradck me down and hurt me for being a stong Christian and even now the government is keeping an eye on many crutches and it is not safe to use your real name so I understand why the missionarys who write me are sacred.

I take my family to eat at Chick Fill A every wensday before we go to prayer meting and prey for the missionarys and our crutch family maybe we could meat there some day but do not pack heat if you come.

4.  Why don't we just ignore the Fanda Eagles and then maybe they will go away?

My paster says these people are a danger to real christens and they pertend to be believers like you and me but they call NTM a cult and fundamental chiristanity a cult and fundamental baptits a cult and there are even unsaved people who post there Godless comments on the Fondle Eagles web sitght and it is a shame to even speak of things they do in secret so I say expose them and help them face up to they sin and they will tahnk you in the end it is for their won good that I take all of my free time to help them in this humble way it isnnot easy but it is my gift.

5.  I am considering writing to the person who calls himself "Bemused" on the Fanda Eagles website.  I just want to share the Good News with him and tell him how sorry I am for what he went through.  Is this a good idea?

It is never a god idea to cast your peals before swine I would not try it they will just make fun of you if you have some things to say send them to me and we can post them here and let them read on this Godly webshit instead of on that one and maybe we can increase the traffic a bit here I am only getting about two hunerd hits a day that sucks.

6.  What, based on your personal experience, can our church do to help NTM?

The most impotent thing you can do is tell others about this website and invitge them to come here to read and post and be blets and be a blessing that is what it is all abutt.

If your paster would like to send me anyting to post here I would be glad to do that.  We need to let the MKs know that we do not truts the ones who dop out and get real jobs instead of gong on in the work of the Lord in the world and saving souls for eternal benefits not just after money.

Also you can just let them no htat you love them and are on there side and will keep on sending the money things are tight everywhere now and it is no different in the Lords work they are having to pray in a lot more money now that they had to settle a lawsuet about things that may have happened a long times ago they did not ever say it was true they just payed the money to make it tend I still think it is all a lie no one could be so stupid as they say Oily was he has spoke at our crutch and I took him out to eat and he is not stupid.

If you are not divorced or gay or in a clut you can even join NTM and help them with the impotent work they are doing that would be wonerful there is so much to do and the labors are few but even if you are divorced or gay or a clut you can still send them money better them then pron sites or laywers.

If you have other FAQs just let me know and I can add tthem here or in another psot.

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