Sunday, August 12, 2012

Money will not maek you happpy

Moeny is not the ansser to you r prolbems it jsut maeks them worse.

If you woudl only learn to forgive and forget this would be all over and there would be no more Fanda Eagles and MK badnits and law suets and NTM coudl get on with the work of the Lord and we could half things the way they weer before all the MKs started whining and caring on there was no need to start this in the frist palace NTM already had new leaders and they are detrimed to treat the MKs right and the old leaders treated them right to thier is no reason to actack the old leaders they were razed up by god by god and some of them are already dead and god is there judge not you judge not that ye be not judge.  Just read your bible and you wil know this is the trues.

Many missionarys dont' have enough money to go on furlough and buy new cars and other impotent things they need and now all this money is going to help MK badnits buy game boy and TVs and other stuff this is not welfare it is a war we are in and the devel is the enema and we need to win not spent the lords' money on trash spend it on missionarys is better.

Just quite the Fondle Eagles it is pretty quite over their now anyways so just quite and learn to forgive and quite trying to wring money out of NTM they dont' have munch and if you had it all it would not maek you happpy it would be a pain I am glad that Larry Brown is there to handle the money and make sure that it is used right NTM does not kept secrets about their money my paster assed them abut it and they toll him it was fine to ass.

I hop that the MKs can be quite now and we can let NTM get on with the work and no more law suets and trying to get money that dont' help just rob poor crutches plaese stop we dont' what our money going for this we may have to sned it direct to our missionarys like some half toll us to and then you cant' get NMTs money its not theres anyway it is the Lords and the missionarys hands off.

Lets remmmer to prey for NTM and there god work we love them.

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