Friday, June 14, 2013

This is enoughn!

Lets' not jump to collusions until we get all the facts dont' forget that god doesnt' consider people gilty until porved in a court of law and jsut beacuse some won has confessed to something while in police suctody does not mean they really did it and so lets' wait and see how this rally works out have YOU seen the vidios?  Maybe Warren Scott Kennell is really unocent and then how would you feel?

Insted we get a rush to jedgement from the Fanda Eagles and all there mumbers and say all kids of things and have no proof and did you know this was NOT a MK it was a foreiger and probably not even a christian and how can NTM watch the whore world for this sort of things?  Lets' just be glad that it was not an MK this sorts of thing doesnt' happn at MK schools any more and may not have happened in any schools anyway it has never been proved in acourt of law wake up and smel the roses.

Jest so you no many of these foren kids get abused every day and it is no big thing in there clutre its not like it was a MK and prpbably NTM did not want Warren Scott Kennell doing this sorts of thing with anyone but they make sure he staid away from MKs they never gassed that he would do this its' hard to keep missionarys away from tribal people and sometims this happens and its not NTMs fault.

And even if Warren Scott Kennell did do it he will half to go to jail just like Joel Price did so lets' drop it and let the courts handle things and Joel Price only got five years he is out now and walking with the Lord and being a good testesmony in his corner of the harvest feeld and Joel Price was glad he got caought and  I bet Warren Scott Kennell is glad he got cot two and lets rejoice in repantunce and learn to forgive the past and not try to blame NTM for every bad thins that happens in the whore wolrd that is Santa's job do you want to be on his side or gods'?

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