Thursday, August 1, 2013

Get with is

I wish that the people who ahte NTM woudl jsut get with the program and lern to forgive as the bible teaches us to do there is no point n being biter.  NTM did not ever tell any of there good missionarys to do any sexual abuse of any body at any time in any way it is probably not even ture butt if it is than it was NOT ntms fault.

I am so tried of reading he fanda eagels blog and website and formum it is all a bunch of bull and all the people do there is whine and whallow on the past and act ass if it the world had ended mabe they need to get a life an quite bing so negative.

Their is no reason to suet NTM it was nver theri fault they always taught there missionarys to be rsponsible before the lord and not man and each perosn has to bare his own burden this is how it is done in NTM ass a hole.

So maybe those of you who stil think NTM is bad can just leave it alone there are plenty of bad things for you to worry with you dont' half to worry with NTM and the good missionarys they have and most of them are good maye a few bad ones offfer they years but they usually get kicked out and God just puts them of the shelf.

I love NTM and I turst God to use them more than he will ever use the cathlic crotch.


  1. you are clerly a moron
    stay in your trailer park and please leave the internet

  2. Red Baron,
    I am a MK from Brazil my parents were not with New Tribes, but our mission worked with them. You're entitled to your opinion. But it is very important that this abuse is brought in the open, because certain NTM missionaries have been abusing children left in their care. We the church, cannot fulfill the great commission, in the meantime ignoring this abuse. NTM ignored this abuse in the past which is why it happened again. It has to stop now, even if disbanding NTM is the way to do it.

    You should try proof reading and using spell checker. Having poor grammar and spelling will make most people dismiss your opinion because their impression of you.

    What the heck does not being gay have do with anything?


  3. People gauge your intelligence many times based on your use of grammar. your posts tend to tell folks you are an idiot. use spell check. also, " his own burden this is how it is done in NTM ass a hole." is hardly the language one expects from "christians...."
