Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chose you this day who you will serve!

For those of yuo who hate NTM I want to tell you that I love NTM and no man can serve to masters so get on broad or get off!  The whinny MKs who only complane about how hard there lifes were do not love NTM and do not love Jesus or they would quite trying to bring disgrace on Gods servants and get on with there lifes and put all this behind them in the deepest part of the sea and as far as the east is from the west.

Off course NTM will not say much about the things that happened in the broading schools they are ashamed and that proves that they have repented so just stop it and get to work serving the Lord.  If you are gay or divorceded or not mature enough you cannot be a misssionary but you can still give money and do your part that way to get the heathens saved.  How many souls so you think have gone to hell because NTM has to take time to anwser questions from people who hate them and do not even support them and are probably gay what a waste of time and you want them to put stuff on there websight get real.

All the awful things happened a long time ago and there are hardly any broading schools left in NTM and they have very few dorm farters and mothers and its much easyer to keep an eye on them now so dont' worry nothing is going on now.  My paster called Larry Brown and he said he was sure the schools were safe for kids now and after all he was an MK too and now he is in charge of all of NTM so it didnt' ruined his life at all.

So if you want to read the Fanda Eagles websight and believe all that garbage and listen to the few poeple on it rave and rant and call Andy names and mock him go ahead but do not think that you are serving God you are serving the deval and as for me and mine house we will serve the Lord and continue to support NTM God is using them not you.

You make me sick but I know God loves you and will forgive you if you repent and shut up.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Are you divorceded?

I wonder how many of the people that hate NTM are divorceded maybe that is why there hearts are filed with so much hate.  NTM does not allow divorceded people or gays or other people who's life in not pleasing to the Lord to be missionarys so if you are divorceded why dont' you keep quite and learn your place hint it is not telling the godly leaders in NTM how to do there work.

They do not need you and they are still married to the women they married unless death did them part even if some of the marigaes are not prefect its better than divorce which God hates.  If you are divorceded why do you think your opinyan counts you lost that when you broke your vows so back off and let it rest.

NtM is doing there best to bring out all the details in good time but they have more importnat things to do than worry about sin in the camp that is no longer in the camp it is done and over with and finished and a  long time ago so nock it off and quite pricking on NTM.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

NTM is not Santanic

Some people have siad that NTM is Santanic but they are wrong it is not.  If you can read the Fanda Eglaes web sight you will see that they are full of hate and revenge and have no love for Jesus or NTM that is of Santa not God becaucse God is love not hate.

If you hate your bother you cannot love God do you ever read your Bible or are you like the answer man Gene Long and Ornery Hornery who like to twist words around and play games they are hatful and only want to destry the good work that is being done by others thew NTM which the Lord raised up not man do not tuoch the Lords' annoinnted.

Some bad people got into NTM and did arful things but the godly leaders have repneted of that and are dong there best to take care off things so give it a break and learn to forgive do not hate NTM it is not a cult the bad people are gone.  They went out from among us because they were never of us just of the evel one and they had enouf problems of therre own some of them are even in jail now but the good missionarys in NTM are trying to win the lost heathen to the Lord and save them from an eternity in hell if that isnt' wroth more than a few MK's who only want to whine because they missed there mommys then that will show you who is a clut.

How can you prey that God wll forgive your sins when you cant' even forgive things that happened years and year's ago that is foolishness you need a shrink.

I love NTM and my paster says we will keep supporting them and you better no that others will to so if you want to say all kinds of bad things on the Fanda Ealges Santanic web sight go ahead but we only read it so we can laugh at you are you even saved?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This one is for you Beverly shellRUDE thompson

And its for you two Dorothy Frohn and any other people who do not love Jesus and are talkng about dropping the support of good missionarys who have never molestated anyone and all they want to do is preach to the unsaved heathen in darkness have you no shame?  How many people in NTM do you think are child molestaters and perverts and sexual predators?  Even if you count all of them that have been put out of fellowship with God's people it isnt' too many and most of them are no longer in NTM.  But you wnat people to quit supporting thousands of missionarys because of a few bad ones that is foolishness and of the devel.

Spritiual people can tell when they are under Santanic attack of the evil one and that tells me that NTM is doing something right not wrong.  You dont' see santanic attacks on the gays or catholics but you are being used of the evil one to attack Gods annointed and most of you are women no surprises there.  Probably the rest of you are gay or blinded by pride and uplifted hearts like the bible answer man Gene Long get a life and quit bean used of the devel to send people to hell.

If you think for one minute that people are going to quit supporting NTM you are dead wrong my paster says we sure wont' and none he knows will either.  In fact the gifts have come up becuase good hard working christian people want to make up the shortfall in the MK fund and still not have to take more money from NTM missionarys who are in the fields which are ripe unto harvest we need workers not whiners get with the program or get out of the kitchen you women and be submissive to your husbums.

So all of you who love NTM and the work of the Lord that couldnt' be done any other way by other missions that do not care about christian starndards and premineliumal rupture and walking by faith in the Lord just keep sending your gifts to NTM and ignore the people like Beverly Shellrude Thompson who are saying do not give and quit all the work until this is all solved it is ALREADY ALL SOLVED it is over and done with many years ago and no one is happy abut it leave Tibby Westbrook and Andy alone they want to preach the Word not fiddle with whiners but you take up all there time soetimes it really gets me mad.  I hate it when people do not love Jesus.

I am parying for you all but especailly for the NTM missionarys dont' give up hope and maybe the whiney MKs will repent I sure hope so.  Learn to forgive.