Friday, April 29, 2011

Read your bible you ignoranus!

I love NTM and the work they are doing to save the heathen from hell in the future and the catholics and gays in the present they love Jesus and work according to his will and the bible not like the Breastiterians what a wired name for a church.  NTM has high standards for there missionarys they dont just take anyone and if you are GLBT or a Romanian Catholic you can forget it same as if you are divorced.  You must have spitual qualifications to be in NTM but all the MKs had to do was get born some of them never got born again is that NTMs fall?

It makes me sick to see how some of the scentless MKs and even some of the former missionarys form NTM make fun of my blog.  They were never of us or they wouldnt' have gone out from us is waht the bible says you ignoranus.  You are all so full of hate and revengeness how can you sleep at night are you on drugs?  Learn to trust God and obey his word and forgive forgive forgive how many times do I have to say it?

All this talk about law suets and where does Boney get off posting contact details for a layer on her forum that is discussing.  How does she know this layer is even walking with the Lord well he could have already been put on the shelf does she care?  God does not need layers to get his work done he can use NTM and he is using it more than he is using all the gas bags and know it alls that keep posting things you make me sick.  Clam down and give God some room to glorify himself and quite tryng to do his job do you think you are the wholly spirit?  You are just a POS or people of Santa as my paster says.

Many people agree with what I say and some have even write me and said they enjoy my blog and are paying for NTM but they are afraid the loud mouth ignoranuses on the Fanddagles will mock them.

God is at work and NTM is still surfing around the world so shut up and shut down your blog it is not bringing horror and glory to the Lord it is just a tool of Santa I even red that on your own blog.

God loves NTM and so do I and I know he will protect them from all these lies and people who only want money out of them they are spending a lot already knock it off and thrust in NTM to do what is right they already said they are sorry and they are trying to reach out to the MKs but not liek that get your mind out of the gutter.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hear are your answers genious

1. "...we discussed with Pat Hendrix..." - Pat should be having discussions with one group and ONLY one group of people. And it's NOT ntm. What you are really telling us is that Pat is in bed with NTM.

No she is not in bed with NTM she is a prebsterarian.  But she was hired by NTM not you so just who do you think she should be talking to are you paying the bills or just waiting to cash in like the other vultures I think they are doing fine.  She will talk to you when she is ready she is already talking to some people and it is awesome and she has her end in the email and on a phone just call and talk or are you chicken?

2. "It was decided..." - Arrogant. Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant. Quit discussing and deciding and spend some time listening for a change. Own up to the fact that you have no clue about what abuse is and how it affects people. Or maybe the real truth is that ntm's collective silent opinion is that "abuse" is a figment of people's imagination.

Quite talking and comlaining and whining and give NTM a chance to get htings ready to listen what is wrong with you?  No matter want they do you dont' like it everyone can see that how do you expect them to get anythign done if all they do is listen to you whine?  Hear this lady is trying to apogolize and you want to mock her my paster says that is shameful.

3. "Although they do not access people's e-mail..." - Oh... I feel so much better.
There is a reason that advice exists on what to and not to include in emails sent to and from a work address. They check. They always check. A company would be irresponsible not to.

NTM is not a company it is the body of Christ as in a church dont' you ever read your Bible? They do NOT read other peoples email not even cranal MKs who are trying to take them to the cleaners for things that happened twenty years and more ago why would they read it?

4. "We fully understand..." - No you don't. If you did, this never would have happened.

Well even if Andy agrees with this it was painful and I am not sure it is true.  You do not really know what would have happened you just want them to feel bad about a little mistake and its not like they are reading anyones emails they just wanted to use a surfer that was safe so hookers couldn't get asses to your privates whats wrong with that?

5. "Pat Hendrix has therefore set up a Gmail address..." - Well golly gee, that dun fix everthin'!

I can tell that you are being a smart ass with this comment well if you think gmail is not secure what would you say to do are you paying the bills? Pat Hendrix is not in NTM and is not sleeping with them and she has a gmail address and so do I the only thing I dont' like is that some people snet me pictures of naked women I dont' think they were Pat but who knows I didnt' look to close and I will erase them soon maybe next month.

My paster read these answers before  sent them and he said maybe I should not call you a smart ass but I am not a ordamned minister so I left them in.  Other than that he agrees and he has been talking to NTM you dont' have to belief me you can call them yourselfs do you think they will get rid of Pat Hendrix or Andy or Tippy well you got another think coming.

So their are your answers Shitting Duck.  May God bless you as you get saved and learn to trust in him and not your own understanding which will lead to perditon and all evel works and you dont' want to be like the Catholics or gays do you?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just go away!!

If you do not what Pat Hendrix to do the infestigation then just forget it and go back under your rocks you are not qualified to be missionarys anyway but you can support them if you want to.  NTM has done everything they can to make you happy and no matter what they do you whine and complain and cry and talk about law suets and why does Gene Long keep bringing up Joel Price he is in jail not NTM and he is sorry and walking with the Lord now isnt' that enough?  He has a family and they are sorry so leave him out of it you are not perfect either you are just a truouble maker like that church said.

Horny Throny keeps talking about court and judges and the police and the law and never says one word about forgiveness what does that tell you?  It tells me he is a layer and does not love Jesus and NTM did anyone else notice that he spelled it wrong it is not NTO genious.

It doesnt' matter how many times NTM says they are sorry no one whats to forgive them they are after money or just destroy the work of the lord well if you know so much why arent' you in chagre of NTM like Larry Brown or the new web page which is very nice and I think Dave Absbutt did that I like it and I'm glad there isnt' anything on it about sexual child abuse that is disgusting.  NTM is all aoubt preahing the gospel not about you and your little problems.

This is Eater Sunday coming up here and we need to just forgive as we were forgiven and Tubby and Andy said they made a mistake and they are sorry and now Sherpa Mouth wants them to do more thier is noting more to do unless you think you can do a better job then they can I dout it.

My paster talked to NTM and they said that Andy and Tubby are the right peopel for the job and they love Jesus and the work of NTM and can communicate best with the MKs which is there job and it isnt' there job to figure out surfers maybe someone lied to them.  But not Larry Brown he is an MK two or did you forget?

May the blessings of this Eater Season be with you this Sunday and all year long and please learn to forgive that is what Eater is all about we need to move on and not hinder the work of the Lord any more if you arent' happy with Pat Hendrix then just drop it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

It will be wroth it all

I am not wirting this blog for the whiney MKs I am wrting it for people who love NTM and want to see the whore world reached with the good news not just sue missionarys who have given there all including there children to serve the Lord what is wrong with them.

If people want to make fun of me they can but I am not gay and if I was gay or lesbian or if I could spell as good as them I would be just like them they hate Jesus and the bible and NTM who wants that?  God has choosen the foolish things of the world not the smart asses of the world what planet are you from Uranus?

Yes I have been raeding the Fanda Eagles websight but not much it is just foolishness they do not no how to forgive and they mock people who want to put this all behind them and get it on with loving the lord.  They do not know what it means to forgive just sue.

Jesus said we woudl be prosecuted for his sake and it is the MKs that are doing that they are the enemas of the truth but we love NTM and we know that it will be wroth it all when we see Jesus we are not liek the gays Larry Brown is married you know.

My paster says that we need to pray for the MKs that they can heel and get over it and leed productive lifes and quiet all the law suets so the gospel can go out to the whore world and that is what I am doing I am praying for all you smart ass biter MKs. Unless your gay.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Finally soem scents from the Fanda Eagles

I never thought I would fine anything to like that Horney Throney posted if for no other reason than that he is a layer but here is something that was true:

Why would any rational human being be drawn to the Lord after reading about the horrible things done to children by God's alleged servants?

Yes you idiots that is the point Ive been trine to make all along we need to keep this stuff quite and deal with it ourselfs in privates and not in pubic it is such a turn off.   We are all christians and we know that evel men sneak in unawares and steel the sheep and do things that are bad and we do NOT approve of it if it is true but we get angry with righteous indigestion when it is a lie only the layers get rich off of that.

Instead of being discrete all these whiney MKs in all these missions want to wash there drity laundry in pubic and bring shame on the lord and who will believe in him if they find out we are just liek the Jahovahs Whiteness?  NTM got rid of most of the bad apples as soon as they were sure these lies were true that should be enough you are not the only peeple on planet earth you know.

Please shut down your blog before you chase more people away from the Lord and totally ruin NTM they love the lord give them a break all you whiney MKs they are whitenessing are you?  Of course they do not quite everything they are doing for the Lord just to worry about you do you support them with your tits and offerings?  Get a life and listen to Horney Throney he has fainlly said something that makes scents.

I am praying for you all to learn to love the Lord and not hate him and his sevrants in NTM.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pay intention!!

No one is perfect but everybody can love the Lord and support his work through NTM not try to tear it down and sue for money money will never make you happy.  So if you want to make fun of me because you think you are so much smarter just remember that the Lord cares about our harts not weather or not we are a smart ass.  You didnt' learn anything in school did you.

I could put in all kinds of, punctuation; marks and it would make me look as edicated as: you.  But I am not going to get into a contest, with you and see who knows more I love NTM and they are being used by God you are being used by Santan.  Wake up before it is two late.

NONE of these things are still hapening in NTM they are busy preaching the Gospel they dont' have time to molest childeren and cover it up any more so leave them alone.  Do you even know when the last case was no you dont' all you are whining abut was many years ago decades even.  And I know what a decade is so dont' ass me.

I am NOT joking this is serious and you need to recover yourselfs from the snare of the devil and santa and get on with you life do you think you are the only person in the world who has had a roufg life?  Get over it alraedy and learn to love and walk in forgivness and trust Jesus why is that so hard for you get a life loosers.

I pary for NTM every day and he is ansering my prayers.  I am parying that the woemn who are running this show will shut up and be sumbissive and the men will take the leed and we can all love each others and preach the gospel dont' you care that people are going to hell.  Well I am praying so watch out.