Friday, April 29, 2011

Read your bible you ignoranus!

I love NTM and the work they are doing to save the heathen from hell in the future and the catholics and gays in the present they love Jesus and work according to his will and the bible not like the Breastiterians what a wired name for a church.  NTM has high standards for there missionarys they dont just take anyone and if you are GLBT or a Romanian Catholic you can forget it same as if you are divorced.  You must have spitual qualifications to be in NTM but all the MKs had to do was get born some of them never got born again is that NTMs fall?

It makes me sick to see how some of the scentless MKs and even some of the former missionarys form NTM make fun of my blog.  They were never of us or they wouldnt' have gone out from us is waht the bible says you ignoranus.  You are all so full of hate and revengeness how can you sleep at night are you on drugs?  Learn to trust God and obey his word and forgive forgive forgive how many times do I have to say it?

All this talk about law suets and where does Boney get off posting contact details for a layer on her forum that is discussing.  How does she know this layer is even walking with the Lord well he could have already been put on the shelf does she care?  God does not need layers to get his work done he can use NTM and he is using it more than he is using all the gas bags and know it alls that keep posting things you make me sick.  Clam down and give God some room to glorify himself and quite tryng to do his job do you think you are the wholly spirit?  You are just a POS or people of Santa as my paster says.

Many people agree with what I say and some have even write me and said they enjoy my blog and are paying for NTM but they are afraid the loud mouth ignoranuses on the Fanddagles will mock them.

God is at work and NTM is still surfing around the world so shut up and shut down your blog it is not bringing horror and glory to the Lord it is just a tool of Santa I even red that on your own blog.

God loves NTM and so do I and I know he will protect them from all these lies and people who only want money out of them they are spending a lot already knock it off and thrust in NTM to do what is right they already said they are sorry and they are trying to reach out to the MKs but not liek that get your mind out of the gutter.

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