Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pay intention!!

No one is perfect but everybody can love the Lord and support his work through NTM not try to tear it down and sue for money money will never make you happy.  So if you want to make fun of me because you think you are so much smarter just remember that the Lord cares about our harts not weather or not we are a smart ass.  You didnt' learn anything in school did you.

I could put in all kinds of, punctuation; marks and it would make me look as edicated as: you.  But I am not going to get into a contest, with you and see who knows more I love NTM and they are being used by God you are being used by Santan.  Wake up before it is two late.

NONE of these things are still hapening in NTM they are busy preaching the Gospel they dont' have time to molest childeren and cover it up any more so leave them alone.  Do you even know when the last case was no you dont' all you are whining abut was many years ago decades even.  And I know what a decade is so dont' ass me.

I am NOT joking this is serious and you need to recover yourselfs from the snare of the devil and santa and get on with you life do you think you are the only person in the world who has had a roufg life?  Get over it alraedy and learn to love and walk in forgivness and trust Jesus why is that so hard for you get a life loosers.

I pary for NTM every day and he is ansering my prayers.  I am parying that the woemn who are running this show will shut up and be sumbissive and the men will take the leed and we can all love each others and preach the gospel dont' you care that people are going to hell.  Well I am praying so watch out.

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