Monday, April 25, 2011

Hear are your answers genious

1. "...we discussed with Pat Hendrix..." - Pat should be having discussions with one group and ONLY one group of people. And it's NOT ntm. What you are really telling us is that Pat is in bed with NTM.

No she is not in bed with NTM she is a prebsterarian.  But she was hired by NTM not you so just who do you think she should be talking to are you paying the bills or just waiting to cash in like the other vultures I think they are doing fine.  She will talk to you when she is ready she is already talking to some people and it is awesome and she has her end in the email and on a phone just call and talk or are you chicken?

2. "It was decided..." - Arrogant. Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant. Quit discussing and deciding and spend some time listening for a change. Own up to the fact that you have no clue about what abuse is and how it affects people. Or maybe the real truth is that ntm's collective silent opinion is that "abuse" is a figment of people's imagination.

Quite talking and comlaining and whining and give NTM a chance to get htings ready to listen what is wrong with you?  No matter want they do you dont' like it everyone can see that how do you expect them to get anythign done if all they do is listen to you whine?  Hear this lady is trying to apogolize and you want to mock her my paster says that is shameful.

3. "Although they do not access people's e-mail..." - Oh... I feel so much better.
There is a reason that advice exists on what to and not to include in emails sent to and from a work address. They check. They always check. A company would be irresponsible not to.

NTM is not a company it is the body of Christ as in a church dont' you ever read your Bible? They do NOT read other peoples email not even cranal MKs who are trying to take them to the cleaners for things that happened twenty years and more ago why would they read it?

4. "We fully understand..." - No you don't. If you did, this never would have happened.

Well even if Andy agrees with this it was painful and I am not sure it is true.  You do not really know what would have happened you just want them to feel bad about a little mistake and its not like they are reading anyones emails they just wanted to use a surfer that was safe so hookers couldn't get asses to your privates whats wrong with that?

5. "Pat Hendrix has therefore set up a Gmail address..." - Well golly gee, that dun fix everthin'!

I can tell that you are being a smart ass with this comment well if you think gmail is not secure what would you say to do are you paying the bills? Pat Hendrix is not in NTM and is not sleeping with them and she has a gmail address and so do I the only thing I dont' like is that some people snet me pictures of naked women I dont' think they were Pat but who knows I didnt' look to close and I will erase them soon maybe next month.

My paster read these answers before  sent them and he said maybe I should not call you a smart ass but I am not a ordamned minister so I left them in.  Other than that he agrees and he has been talking to NTM you dont' have to belief me you can call them yourselfs do you think they will get rid of Pat Hendrix or Andy or Tippy well you got another think coming.

So their are your answers Shitting Duck.  May God bless you as you get saved and learn to trust in him and not your own understanding which will lead to perditon and all evel works and you dont' want to be like the Catholics or gays do you?

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