Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Take a walk you discrumpled MKs

I wonder how many of you disgrunted MKs have ever been in leadership in a mission?  Do you have any idae how hard it is to be a leader to thousands of missanarys around the whore world?  All you want to do is whine and bickker and carry on and be discontented well you need to get over it.  God loves you so why dont' you try getting saved instead of whine?

You did not chose to be born in an Mission which is the work of God and I did not chose to be born to a framer but that is how the lord made it work out and he works all things to his glory if you had the faith of a mouse turd seed you would shut up and be thankful and quite whining.

You had to live in a broading shcool and I had to live with my parents and it wasnt' a picknick for me either my school teachers werent' even christians most of them and even had some Catholics and I am pretty sure my gim teacher was gay.  My own farter got mean sometimes and whipped my bare ass two so if your dorm farter got made you didn't get nothing butt what was coming to you.  Well they dont' have gays in NTM and if they do they expell them like luke warm water out of their mouth they are reprobate.  I dont' think they can even get saved they are beyond hope.

So instad of being discruntled just shut up and leave NTM alone we dont' need any more infestigations let Pat Hendrix infestigate the Catholics their is plenty to look at their.

You think you had it so bad but you never walked a mile in Larry Borwns' shoes he is godly and an MK and you dont here him whining I cant' tell disgrumpled MKs from disgrutled missionarys who have fallen by the way side and are taken captive by Santa at his will and fit to be throuwn out on the crap heap if you pardon my Spanish.

Just leaf NTM alone and let them take care of this thereselfs they have done a good job for all these years theere was no problem till Boney came along and started to carry on like a child and now all this is pubic and you should all be ashame.

I am glad that Bin Laden got killed and lets be thankful we live in the Untied States of America where the red white and blue waves over us in freedom and dont' get sidetracked by the past it is over and done with so if all you want to do is carry on just take a walk no one is leistening to you and my paster says we need to prya for you just like we did Bin Laden and finally God took care of him and if I was you I would watch out your next.  God loves the tribel people and whats the gosple to get out to them not be hintered.

I love NTM and am praying for there missionarys areound the world.  If you are not saved you need to get that way soon unless you are gay than just give it up that is so gross.

1 comment:

  1. Can you even write English? Sorry, maybe you're only 5.
