Sunday, May 22, 2011

NTM are not baseturds

NTM is being chastened of the Lord so they will bring more gory and honor to his name they are not being punish they are dong the lords work.  It is just some pruning that needs to be doen so they can bring forth even more fruit to the lord.

If they were not being chasetened they would not be sons they would be baseturds and we know that there are no baseturds in NTM they are godly missionarys who love the heathens even more then there own kids I admire them.

Go ahead and suet them if that is want you what but the lord will deliver them though it all and his name will be goryfied.

Prase god for NTM and there godly leaders and loyal missionarys who serve hm and do not try to please men or whiney MKs.

1 comment:

  1. Is this stuff serious or just a joke? It makes for hilarious if absurd and rather twisted reading. Perhaps if this is intended as comedy then it should be a little more respectful to the innocent children who were being abused. If this is serious, I suggest you seek psychiatric help.

    Dr Mikey

    (actually a Christian doctor and an MK as well, by the way)
