Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thank you for this good massage!

I just got this massage from some good missionarys in the tribe and I am so blessed to know that i am not only.  I know sometimes I make mistakes in speling and maybe you could say my comments arent' polished I am not tryig to impress anyone I am just telling the truth and I dont' have a lot of time to write essays for you I am not in Highs School anymore I have a job and have to earn a living I can whip out one of these things n a few minutes and say more in a short post that is worse more than all the crap on the Fanda Eagles web sihgt if your not reading it dont start it is of the devil.

Thank you again to my good missionary fiends who sent me this massage here it is:

We just now were able to leave the tribe, get internet connection and send all the e-mails we've been typing since January. While we wish some of the comments made here by Red Baron were more polished, we agree with them. Red Baron is fighting an uphill battle, but is not deterred. We are proud of his/her stamina in combating all of these humanistic weirdos. Pray for us as we head back to West Kalimantan. The devil really has the people there by the throat.

PS  I am a man, not a woman and I am not a gay hormone sensual eithre.


  1. humanistic weirdos? how could any missionary characterize anyone who has posted on fandaeagles as being a humanistic weirdo? Brave warrior, yes, but not humanistic weirdo. Strong defender, yes, but not humanistic weirdo. Servant leader, yes, but not humanistic weirdo.
    By the way, the Red Baron's days are counted. Richthofen was shot down and killed near Amiens on 21 April 1918.

  2. Some day you people will learn to let God take care of the punishment. Until then you'll always be angry. I'm glad you finally see the damage to the innocent family members. How could the wives know?

  3. The RAF credited Brown with shooting down the Red Baron - but it is now generally agreed that the bullet that hit Richthofen was fired by someone on the ground.
