Saturday, May 28, 2011

This is no joke what kind of fool are you?

Hear read this:

Is this stuff serious or just a joke? It makes for hilarious if absurd and rather twisted reading. Perhaps if this is intended as comedy then it should be a little more respectful to the innocent children who were being abused. If this is serious, I suggest you seek psychiatric help.

Dr Mikey

(actually a Christian doctor and an MK as well, by the way) 

Yes it is asburd that people would suet New Tribes Mission over things that happened years ago like twenty or more years ago a long time ago and not in America either but that is not a joke.  That is reelly what they are doing and I dont' see any humor in it I htink YOU are the one whom needs a psyciatric help just because your a doctore and an MK as well as you say doesnt' mean you arent' sick and bitter and full of revengefulness get a life Doc.

How about the innocent chldren whom were being abused have a little respect for the lost heather that are going to hell and forget about this crap of trying to squeeze five million dollars out of NTM they dont' have that kind of money and money wont' make you happy anywya.

Lots of people agree with me and are on the side of New Tribes Mission and we give them out money and we dont' want it going to discrumpled former MKs who are old enough now to get alife and they dont' need any repentace retread like GRACE said what a joke if you want to tak about jokes theire you have it.

Its just like no one watched Les Emory interview he said he was sorry and wasnt' going to lye to the lord any more he has repented what do you want?  If you are a sinner and you have repanted than you should be thanfkul that you have ben forgiven so learn to forgive those who have repanted like you.  I was so happy to see Les Emory and see how sad he was and that he loves the lord who has cleaned his sole and it brot tears to my eyes to know that I will be in heaven with him will you be there two Dr Mickey?

We will all get along in heaven so we should start getting used to it hear on earth now than it wont' be so hard in heaven.


  1. I can't really understand most of this post because the spelling is extremely poor. Would you consider using a spell-checker?

    I am not sick, bitter or full of vengefulness, though, in case you were wondering. I had a good time as an MK, and am actually in Africa now, serving in a clinic for severely unwell children under 12. I wasn't an NTM MK either, just taking an interest as a fellow MK, out of compassion.

    Thanks to Jesus Christ, I believe I will be in heaven, it isn't really relevant to the issue at hand to start discussing who will and won't be there.

    If you think that it will be hard to get on with people in heaven, then your view of heaven is a little askew, and I genuinely pity you.

    I still believe that for the sake of your family you need to get some help.

    Dr Mikey

  2. Sure, and Jefferey Dahmer repented too, do you really expect to see him in heaven? Ridiculous.

  3. I grew up as an MK with NTM in the Philippines and lived in the Emory dorm. That man deserves to die a horrible and prolonged death. I can't believe you defend NTM, and you really need to check your spelling. It's difficult to understand what you are writing when your spelling and grammar is so terrible. F*** you for defending a cesspool organization. You do realize that to this date, there are over 90 cases of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse that occurred within NTM backed dorms and schools and each was silenced or covered up. I make it a daily mission, on top of doing what I do for the nation as a Soldier, to let everyone around me know how evil NTM is and that it is akin to a cult. In fact, organized religion is a cult. Yes, I have a lot of hate and anger, but it's for the right reasons.

  4. NTM is not a cesspool orgasm. It is one way God is using to reach the unsaved of hte whore world with the gospel. I am not aware of how many cases of sensual phisical or emotional abuse may have occured in NTM dorms and schools and neither are you you are just talking through your hat shame on you. I hope you can understand that because I sure cva't understand why you have so much hate but you do it is your own fault you cunt blame Les Emory for you own hate get a life and get saved.

    1. The problem is that NTM knew about the abuse and covered it up anyways to try and save their precious reputation. In the process, they have created many a bitter former MK, myself included. That you condone this behavior and don't see anything wrong with the fact that Emory has never paid for his brutal acts of molestation and rape is a sad commentary on the state of our world, and especially the church. I believe in forgiveness and grace, but I don't believe in letting someone get away with something like this. NTM knew exactly what would become of them if such a thing got out, so they just sent Emory and his wife away with their CHILDREN to America. How long did Emory abuse his own daughters when he was on American soil? How do his neighbors feel knowing that a pervert who never served a day for his crimes is living right next door to them? Emory may have told the camera that he repented of his sins, but that doesn't change the fact that the leadership at NTM didn't do a damn thing, even after Emory tried to tell them what he was doing. What NTM did was unconscionable.

    2. NTM onlyh did what they thuoght was best for the lords work they new that their are people who wood use it aganst them and try to squeeze a lot of money out of them isnt' that hwat is happening now? I feel sorry for the MKs that say this happened to them and if it is true it is too bad and I wish the dorm parents had been more careful about there walk with the lord butt it is over now and cant' be changed and we need to get on with the work of the lord and save souls and rejoice thet Les Enema has repented and is going to be honest now he is not a pervert andy more.

      You admit that you are a bitter MK well you need to get over it and deal with every root of biterness where is your love for jesus? Jest how would you expect Les Enema to pay for his crimes as you call them if he really did it? Maybe you forgot that jesus has payed for all are sins even your bitternes so repent what is wrong with people like you you are jest like hypcropits you only see that othrs havnt' been puished for there sins but you are sinning the awful sin of bitternss jest what would you have ntm leasrshit do it happened in a forin cuntry if it even really happened maybe it never did.
