Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dont' ass me ass NTM

I dont' know why people write their questions to me liek I had the answers I do not.  I do not know every body in NTM I only know a few that our chruch supports and we enjoy there letters and the pictures they send they are godly missionarys not discrumpled.

Still there are some people who write and ass me all kinds of questions about NTM I am not there spokesperson these women are

You can write and ass them if you what it is there job and they have been to collage I just graduated form highs school.

I am not sure why NTM only has women for there spokeswomen but it is sure better than letting them make decisions women are the weaker sex that is what the bible says.  NTM does not need women leaders its bad enouhg having them as spokeswomen.  I assed my paster if it was ok to have women for spokeswoem and he said as long ass they were not pasters or spitual leaders on the Feel Committees it was probably OK even if women tend to talk to much and get out of control without there husbums help.

Just leave Tubby and Andy out of it they tried to help and cooridate things but they just got bully and jumped on no wonder they went quite do not blame them it is Gene Log and Shitting Ducks falt.

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