Friday, May 13, 2011

Some idiot really assed this!

Just read this!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Want in the world!":

NTM is facing some interesting issues. I wonder how much of this could have been avoided if they would have been more proactive in practicing what they 'claim' to preach? 

Want kind of a questoin is that?  NTM has been practiving what they "claim" to preach ever since the Lord used Paul Flemming to raise up the goldly mission back in Chicago or Las Vegas or where ever it was we know the Lord was behind it and they have been preaching the gosple to people all over the world not like the Catlicks or Jehovah Whitness.  

NTM is not facing some interesting issues they are facing law suets and whinely MKs who hate that they had a chance to be raised in a godly inviroment away from the world and now they what to dance and drink wine and strong drink and pertend they are better than Larry Brown well that is a crock.
No one knows how much of this could have been avioded if NTM had did things different but it could all be avoided if MKs were walking in the light and not holding bitter grudges is Gene Log a MK or just an idiot?

Shrepa Dud was one of the few MKs who really believed in peace and trusting God even if he was a littel whiney but he got chased off by all you who hate NTM and hold grunges and cant' mange to forgive and forget.
Well I got knews for you all if you think NTM is going to roll over and give yuo five millions dolloars that they dont' even half well you are wrong they wll fight like Joshua did and they will win and then lets see where your fancy layers do!

Give them hell, NTM!  You have done nothing wrong and they wil never be satisfied thay hate you and I think they probably hate Jesse too.

I hope this answers your idiot question Mr. or Mrs.Analogus.   Why did you even ass?


  1. dsk now says he was having lunch with red baron

  2. Maybe Red Baron is Les Emory.
