Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hear is this want you what?

I just read this over on the Fanad Eagles web sithte and I couldnt' believe it.  Some MK over on the fandaeagles.com web sight posted this just read it and tell me want you think:

In communicating with Pat, NTM will also HAVE NO SAY IN THE INVESTIGATION. Pat and her investigators will investigate every one mentioned and it will be "HANDS OFF TO ANY NEW TRIBER" So if GRACE was a lose cannon, then Pat should be a much bigger cannon as she builds teams for all the schools.In communicating with Pat, NTM will also HAVE NO SAY IN THE INVESTIGATION. Pat and her investigators will investigate every one mentioned and it will be "HANDS OFF TO ANY NEW TRIBER" So if GRACE was a lose cannon, then Pat should be a much bigger cannon as she builds teams for all the schools.

I do not think we need any more cannons from any more infestigataions what kind of a remark is this?  Thise MKs are just trying to cause trouble and trun loose cannons on NTM well I think that is crazy NTM is trying to do the Lords work.

Listen to me all you whiney MKs the Lord will bild his chruch and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and if you arent' the gates of hell I sure dont know what is.

And how could anybody even think that NTM will have any part in the infestigation I have been telling you that for weeks and you listen to Horny Thorney and all the discrepit missionays and not me well Pat Hendrixx is honest and so is New Tribes it is the MKs that I worry about posting names and stories and lies I think NTM should suit you.

You dont need GRACE and you dont need Pat Hedrixxx to anybody elses cannon to do this just drop it nothingn can be changed at this late date it is too late why cnat you get that through your think heads and hard harts?

I have never posted too posts in one day but this was two much for me I cooldnt' help myself this time.  Please leaf NTM alone please please please and lets work for the lord and the gosple and tirbel people and not be biter.  Amen?

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