Saturday, May 7, 2011

God answers prayers

I hope no one thinks I am trying to be a hard on you MKs even though you are angry and hateful and rave and rant at NTM and call it NTO.  I have been praying for you all along even wehn I am angry and say things that are not very Christian I just let myself go sometmes I guess it is because I love Jesus so much that I cant' stand to listen to hate filled speech or writings.

I am not trying to send you on a gilt trip but I am hoping you will knock it off like Horny Thorney did he was just too much but I paryed for him and now he is acting more like a Christain and shutting up like he should.  Is their any hope for Shitting Duck and Gene Long and Clark Kent?  Please learn to be kind and do not keep saying bad things about NTM they have changed how many times do I half to tell you?

I no that God answers prayers and he will keep working in NTM he riased it up and it is a church not just a bunch of fools dont' even think that.  Even if they are fools they are fools for Christs sake and Id rather be a fool for Christ then a damn fool like some of those poeple on the Fanda Eagles site.

NTM has changed and everything is taken care of now please shut down your web site if you shut down yours I wil shut down mine. 

Praise the lord for NTM and the good missionarys who serve him and theire is no more sexual abuse of children or adults in NTM any more and their has not been for many years get it through your heads.

I am praying for you all to shut up and serve Jesus in peace and harmoney.

Your friend in Christ Red Barron

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